My sis and dad part 2

Here is a continuation of yesterday’s
“My sis and dad”


Ah and if you didn’t read yesterday’s post, I think you’ll still get it
so please don’t stop reading


This is what I heard from my sis


So when my dad went to visit my sis, who is living by herself


Apparently my dad bought a ton of snacks and a 2 litre bottle of tea


According to my sis, my dad was looking very cute


Anyway, when my dad got finished with what he had to say to my sis
he was like
“let’s go eat together”


but my sis was full so she said
“Nah, don’t want”
then my dad was like
“well, I’m gonna drink some tea then, hand me a cup”
while holding the 2 litre bottle in his hand
but then my sis was like
“ah I only have 1 cup at home, oh and I don’t have any tableware either”
so my dad gave up and just went to work



So yeah, sis!
It’s not like you just moved in you know
You only have 1 cup and no tableware …(゜∀゜;ノ)ノ


And you say you’re really good at washing dishes…


And then,
you tell dad to
“Shape up”

Posted in Michishige Sayumi Blog.


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