9th Generation☆


Good Work——-!


Today all day, we’ve somehow beend doing photoshoots!photoshoots!photoshoots!♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪



It’s the first time doing shoots with the 9th gen members but, they were so super cute (^o^)/


AhーSheeshーso good.


How many times, did my heart stop from their cuteness.


The 9th gen members, each and everyone one of them, behaves so cutely, they really hit the bullseye o(^▽^)o



The one who is just too funny is Zukki☆Suzuki Kanon-chan (≧ε≦)


The one who’s too cute is Yasshii☆ Sayashi Riho-chan ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


The one who has a mysterious presence is Eripon☆Ikuta Erina-chan(`∇´ゞ


The one who has composure and kindness is Fukuchan☆Fukumura Mizuki-chan(´∀`)


The 9th gen members, so fascinating!
They felt fresh (*^o^*♪


Reborn Morning Musume。!!!
we’ll do our best (o‘∀‘o)(‘∀’●)


The picture is, dinner, steak bentou☆
The meat is yummy~
It just spreads through your body~dy~dydy~


2011/1/21 22:41

Posted in Michishige Sayumi Blog.

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