





I’m so happy, I shouted in delight without thinking \(^o^)/



A collaboration with one Sanrio Cinnamorolland Michishige Sayumi has happened!


Cinnamoroll is a character I lvoe so,
I’m really very happy!



Since his debut Sayumi’s been drawing him a lot,
a bunny character☆
I’ll be doing a collaboration with Cinnamoroll for it’s 10 year anniversary (//∇//)


It’s like a dream!♪♪


We’ll be celebrating withthe sale of collabogoods, and having an event!
Of course, SayuUsa…Sayumi is participating in look too!☆ ~(ゝ。∂)


The title is,
☆Cinnamoroll 10th Year Birthday☆
♪Cinamoroll×Michishige Sayumi♪
☆Collabogoods Release Celebration “Valentine” Event☆


♪Michishige Sayumi (Morning Musume。) & Cinnamoroll attending♪



The details,
2/14 (Tues) 13:00


◆Place: Odaiba “Hello Kitty’s Cute Paradise” Inside stage


For the event,
there’s a Michishige Sayumi talk show and,


Cinnamoroll and SayuUsa’s Collabogoods advance sale!!


※Sidenote, from the 18th mail orders, and Morning Musume。 Concert locations will start selling them♪♪



And, announcements (*^o^*), 2 of them♪♪



1. Event Viewing & Chocolate present from Michishige Sayumi & Handshake Event☆


On the day of the event,
“Cinnamoroll×Michishige Sayumi” Tshirt (L Size)・Muffler Towel set will be available for purchase for ¥5,500 for first 20 numbered tickets distributed.
Those 20 holding the tickets, will get to watch the event from a special area, and after the event is finished will get to participate in the hand shake event, and will get personally handed the goods with chocolate in it♪




2. Event Viewing☆


On the event day, “Cinnamoroll×Michishige Sayumi” Scrunchie will be available for purchase for ¥1,500 for the first 20 numbered tickets distributed.


Those 20 ticket holders, get to watch from a special area!


・Hello Kitty Cute Paradise
opens at 11:00AM
(In the case were lots of customers are lined up before it opens, it seems they might distribute the tickets before it opens.)


・And, photographs and audio recording aren’t possible…for the event.




The other day, I got to see the good samples and




that’s how it was (lol)


Well you know…
“Adorable!” that’s the only words that would come out of me (≧∇≦)


Everyone, look forward to the Cinnamoroll and SayuUsa collab, and all kinds of other stuff after that too(#^.^#)


The picture is, Sayumi with the SayuUsa look♪


A~Happiness, Sayumi♪♪♪♪♪


Getting to collaborate with a character I love, well it’s just amazing you know (≧∇≦)


I’m so happy, so happy (lol)♪



It’s a dream like story but, it’s not a dream!!!


Everyone, please come to Odaiba on the 14thーーーo(*゜▽゜*)o




2012/2/6 13:05

Posted in Michishige Sayumi Blog.

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