A strange figure

I gotta go get changed~
I gotta prep a lot of stuff~
and I need to get up~


is what I said
but the only one I ended up doing
was the 3rd one – getting up!!! (lol)


I’m the type who can’t be bothered to do things
so I just put on a coat
I look so sloppy
and I went to the convenience store in this weird look ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


I went to the convenience store to grab anan and one more magazine..


but the first convenience store didn’t have either of them ↓
so in the end, I just grabbed some newly released candies
and headed off to the second convenience store
there I found anan~! ☆
Completely forgetting about how embarrassing I looked
I was like “It’s here~!” to my mom
as I reported with excitement and in a loud voice ☆
but, the other magazine I wanted wasn’t there
so in the end, I just picked up anan and some edamame beans
and headed off to a third convenience store
Not there! The magazine that I wanted (°□°;)
But I didn’t have the strength or courage to go to a fourth store
so I tearfully bought another magazine thats kinda like it
fuu~ ( ̄∀ ̄)


At any rate, I ended up going to 3 convenience stores in a row in this weird outfit
I guess this was… (lol)


A test from God (οдО;)


I’ll do my best b(・∇・●)

Posted in Michishige Sayumi Blog.


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