Sayumi in a rush

It has been more than 2 months
since I started blogging


Before I started blogging, I had used my cell phone
to take pics of things before…


But after I started, I’ve taken even more pics now,
such as self-pics and a lot of other various pics
I’m definitely not lacking in the number of pics I take per day!!
But you can only put so many pics in a cell phone
So it’s about time that I need a MiniSD? MicroSD?
I don’t really know
but that small handy card thingy
I need to go buy one ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


I.. I should go right ~ ♪


Well I love Bic Camera, so I’m looking forward to it ♪
But, a little while ago, I was at Bic Camera, and I was talking to one of the reps
I asked “Umm… in regards to charging this phone (I showed him my phone)…
Uhh, I’m looking for like a thing where I can charge it without an outlet,
like something I can carry around with me that’ll charge it!”


and I was trying my hardest to explain it in my own words


but it turns out


that guy didn’t work at Bic Camera!!!!!!!!!!!!


So I ran away (lol)


So embarrassing (//△//)
that was pretty bad!


That guy should’ve said something sooner
well, I mean I made a mistake too
and I probably should’ve realized it midway through


In short, I was so embarrassed I wanted to disappear (lol)

Posted in Michishige Sayumi Blog.


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