Outfits and Hairstyles☆ Three Times

2014-08-14 20:39:59



Good Evening[みんな:01]


Today, in Osaka


was the 『Toki wo Koe Sora wo Koe/Password is 0』 release events音譜音譜音譜



The sore throat I was worried about got pretty much better!ニコニコ



It’s a reliefドキドキ



My apologies for worrying everyoneーあせる



For the event, we had three performances and,
each performance was really you knowー fun[みんな:02][みんな:03][みんな:04]



Today’s outfits and hair styles星



The first oneラブラブ


au CM uniform outfit[みんな:05]


The hairstyle was straight ponytailドキドキ




The second oneラブラブ


The second one was also the au CM uniform outfit[みんな:06][みんな:07]


The hairstyle was curled!!




Uniform, uniform… then came…




The third one was….





The TokiSora outfit~ドキドキドキドキドキドキ







The release events in Tokyo was,



First one[みんな:10] TokiSora outfit
Second one[みんな:11] TokiSora outfit
Third one[みんな:12]au Unifrom outfit and,



Today was totally the opposite of that~[みんな:08][みんな:09]




“No wayーーーー” that was how it felt⁉⁉ドキドキ





It was a bit of a surprise? huh~!?[みんな:14][みんな:15][みんな:16]




Everyone who came[みんな:13]
Thank you so muchドキドキ





(Ameblo Original URL)

Posted in Michishige Sayumi Blog, Sayu Ameblo.

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