Quality! Kudou Haruka

2016-02-26 22:28:08
Theme:Kudou Haruka






Posting from Houston ( ^ω^ )




Today we did the Opening Ceremonies and the Q&A Convention!


I reall~y felt the love from everyone overseas, it made me really really happy, it was fun, a delight.
Arigatou Gozaimasu!!Thank you!







Yesterday I rode these kinds of attractions




It was so scary it’s like the scary parts would just disappear.



Well, tomorrow is the live!
I’m looking forward to it~





Kansha, Kangeki, Kuduー?Kanduー!
[tl note: Kudou wordplay: Thanks, Impressed, Kudouー? Excitedー!]



「Kyou no Duー Demo Ii Koto」 [tl: Today’s Du- Whatever]
Big sis Haruna came!!



Kudou Haruka



(Ameblo Original URL)

Posted in MM'16Houston.


  1. Report on what happened. After the host chose who gets to ask questions, each member picked their person. Of course they will chose who will ask something about them….Shockingly some wasn’t about them.

    I was waving furiously as she’s my #1 and only, lol. She picked a love live cosplayer which she did an impressive nico nico ni..

    I forgot what she asked, still heartbroken.. but nothing about her, I’d know. There was also an awesome fan completely orange from head to toe. Nope she didn’t pick him.

    She is so funny afterwards and said shocku, of course shock was the word but all I was doing was staring at her saying it! eh nothing about duu. Kudu missed out on something special, because I’d ask one and only her, lol.

    But what the.. they needed new equipment because the microphones they’re using caused loud feedback all the time. Often making the girls speeches broken. Thank goodness we’re up close sitting on the carpeted floor on the front row.

    Of course you’re Aika was there. After the Q&A, I didn’t know that she was sitting right behind me about a few feet away when I turned back. Not on the floor mind you. A girl asked to take a picture, which she obliged of course. I was tempted too, so close..arrggghhhhhh. I said thank you instead.

    There was the J fashion show in which Haruna and Haruka names on screen I think because I momentarily looked away and back. I couldn’t recognize them because I was on the bleacher’s seats. Too far for me to see them but the opening of the whole show, a pole dancer not naked aww shucks…lol. Also a sport car and a real horse drawn carriage roamed near the floor audience.

    Finally, instead of going to the Hello disco where fans gather outside the con, something tells me there might be a thing happening. So I went to the All for one One for all, History of Hello Project gathering. Not a whole lot of people but guess who was there…..Aika w/ manager I think…boyfriend.. lol, I think not. I didn’t want to interrupt their conversation so I humbly sat down on the front floor again listening to what I already now but open to gather more info. She was sitting behind me far away though. Afterwards the 3 speakers where done, they where surprised as well and nervous a bit. The tone of their speeches they said varied when she was present and when she was gone. It turns out that Aika wanted to sit and observe a little while, time was late around 11 or so CST. Yep I didn’t get to say anything, she was gone. I thought she was there to answer questions, oh well.

    Well thanks for reading this far on the Anime Matsuri MorningMusume report. I guess the moral of the story is it takes patience and luck to be able to have more than a brief encounter with your idols. Like a fangirl who shared her story at the Q&A to my attempt. Also after the Q&A, I sat down outside the general assembly venue where the DJ held my attention w/ break dancers galore. Several minutes passed by, checking my phone, peripheral vision, cannot be, lots of cosplayers around, maybe an Irish kilt wearing group minus the bagpipe, one and only outfits, walking one by one, wheelchaired Nonaka and Aika at the end, awestruck to say or shout something, and……

    • tHellofan, would you like me to make you a post somewhere you can post these as comments so they’re all in one place? Cause this is long and kinda should get it’s own attention over just being in a random chosen thread.

      Also Aika left cause she went to Hello!Disco probably…she went to both… I am very impressed

    • Forgot this after Q&A low quality
      J fashion after, ah so Kudo and Haruna wasn’t at there at all. Thanks for clarification on tweets. That’s why fans waving glowsticks when their name popped up weren’t shouting their name through it.

      But Aika as well on Hello disco too, darn I wished to be there too.

      As for this long posts, I’m just a mere fan who is humbled to get attention to a get thread of his own. I just hope fellow fans share their thoughts as well.

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