Various Christmas Too☆ Fukumura Mizuki

2016-12-25 23:26:03
Theme:Fukumura Mizuki


Konban po(*´∀`*)ノnEmoji


For today at Shibuya we had this year’s various meet-upsEmojiEmoji


It was a Merry Christmas〜 and
Happy New Year〜 festivalEmoji


For outfits… we were Santa-saーnEmojiEmoji


It’s the outfit we wore at yesterday’s eventEmojiEmoji


Were you surprisedEmoji
Or was it what you expected?〜EmojiEmoji


Everyone said it was cuteEmoji
It’s a little mature Santa-san outfits huhEmoji


The necklace had a combination fo 4 colors that Mizuki likes, it was one of her favorite things〜ハートスペードダイヤクラブ


Thoughout this year, what changed Mizuki the most, or what left an impressionEmoji
Things that made all the fans happyEmoji
things that were fun and stuff, we talked and heard our fiーll of things tooEmoji


Before the handshake event started too, there was the happy news from Harunan,
suddenly an Eripon rap startedEmoji


With the announcement we got to make another happy announcement from Morning Musume。Emoji


12/31 night 11:45~
CDTV Special! New Year’s Premiere Live 2016→2017
We’ve been scheduled to appear as Morning Musume。’17ーEmoji


With this kind of fast timing you can see ’17EmojiEmoji
We’ll give our very best!
For sure by all means please watch the show kayEmoji



Ahーthat’s rightー!
At yesterday’s event we sang 「Seinaru Kane ga Hibiku Yoru」
With Oda Sakura-chan, Nonaka Miki-chan, Mizuki, the 3 of us got to sing it and… it made me relaly happy〜Emoji that there were lots of you to deliver it too made me happy tooEmoji


By the way… in the clip from the previous nation-wide handshake event,
there was a prank that happened at the 「Christmas Special」 and, this song was the song they said I’d sing at the timeEmoji


I won’t be able to sing it?… taking the shock from that and making it actually happen makes me really happyEmoji
WIth these 3 it’d be great if we could sing it again you knowEmoji


Today was fun all day tooEmoji
So much that talking wasn’t enough!


REALLY, it made me really happy and was really funEmoji
Thank you so much(*´Д`*)ノ))Emoji




There’s so many pictures I want to put up related to Christmas
So much so I won’t choose!Emoji



We did Morning Musume。’s customary present exchange tooEmoji
For 13ki member Kaga-chan, Yokoyama-chan, it’s their first exchange meetEmoji


The 2 of them wore Santa hats… and wore Christmasy clothesEmoji


Wellll… For the 2 of them, whose present could they possibly have gotten?
And for Mizuki whose present could she have gotten?Emoji
Are you interested〜Emoji
But I’ll write it in tomorrow’s blog kayEmoji


Until tomorrow This was Mizuki-santa being mean postponing it until tomorrow〜EmojiEmoji




(Ameblo Original URL)

Posted in Fukumura Mizuki Blog.


  1. So looking foeward for MM’17 to see to Kaga-chan and Reina-chan!!

    By the way, Merry Christmas admin!! Thank you for translations!

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