2019-04-21 21:59:58Theme:Fukumura Mizuki
Konban po(*´∀`*)ノn
Hello!Pro・All Stars Single Release Commemoration Event’s 2 Days are finished〜
Everyone who participated
did you have fun?〜
It was lots of fun, I’m worn outー lol
Even as performers we participated as entraints too that’s why~ lol
Handshake event
mini games
escape game
We got to participate in it all
In that, we took video for Insta too♪
Throughout the 2 days we really got to have a fun time, it made me happy♪
The mini live we did at the day’s end too
With 「YEAH YEAH YEAH」, we thought we should sing lots of YEAHs! so
The plan the members brought up came true
To start with 「YEAH YEAH YEAH」
「Say Yeah!〜Motto Miracle Night〜」
「HAPPY Daisakusen」 sing those
Yesterday was a total 29 times
and today for a total of 21 times
we got to say YEAH〜
Getting to say more YEAH! than usual was the best〜笑
For the end everyone sang with arms on each other shoulders too
it was the supremely fun!
It wasn’t our concert but
after we finished
I could hear the 『Musume。 Saikou!』 call
Everyone is the best That’s how I felt
The 2 days really
thank you so much
For these 2 days
Morning Musume。 ’19
Juice= Juice were together in the dressing room and
Directly to Sayuki whose birthday it was today
I got to say, congrats〜
Akari-chan said she wanted Gaokkiー! so
I got her the pouch as a present
We’re matching
Her using it right away made me happy〜
This is her perfectly making it her favorite right?!
The deep pink Gaokkiー too
I hope lots of you love it (*´罒`*)♡
Speakiーng of you know!!
The character bomb I bought at the Sanrio Shop…
Kudetama came out
It wasn’t the prediction I wrote on the blog at the time
it wasn’t MyMelo but
I like Kudetama so it made me happy
yesterday I had forgotten to write about it sorry yah lol
Thanks for waiting lol