Amazing Day

2017-03-20 12:26:45Theme:Blog




Yesterday, 3/19, was






opening day乙女のトキメキ




Everyone who came
everyone giving your support
truly thank you so much!!!!











have done Michishige Saiseiーーー!!!ラブラブ





I’m homeーーーーーーー爆笑おねがい照れ





Reborn and now we’ve gone all night.
It’s a mysterious sensation!!




To the point that it’s like a dream…!



But it’s reality you know!



We really could meet up again you knowハート




And after this we can meet againハートピンクハート




うさぎIt makes me happyピンクハートピンクハートピンクハート





Yesterday, It had me DokiDoki heart-pounding all dayハート



Before going out my nervousness was really amazing


When I got to see everyone my happiness was really amazing


The joy standing on stage is really amazing too!!



Everyone was amazing!


It was an amazing dayニヤリ



3/19, I’m recognizing itハート as Amazing Day〜ピンクハート




3/19… Once again for me, the precious days have increasedラブラブラブラブラブラブ





For this time, 『SAYUMINGLANDOLL~Saisei~』,


Is the fantasy I’ve had these 2 years and 4 months since my Morning Musume。 graduation until my rebirth on stageリボンドレスハイヒールポーチ



My beloved singing and dancingバレエ
there’s new songs too音符



By all means, I want you to get to come see it!!





And, it so obvious but,
I am not standing on the stage alone.
There’s lots of people supporting me and that’s what allowed me to be reborn.
I’m grateful from the bottom of my heart.



The power of the staff-san!!


The power of everyone who came!!



Making the stage together
truly, thank you so muchおねがいキラキラキラキラ




Standing on stage
getting to meet everyone
really it’s a delight, I’ve truly felt itハート




There’s still days until the final day so,
please continue to support me until the end!!星




Heading towards the final day, I’ll do my best so it’ll be an even better stage from here on星



My own strongly weak points, and points that still have a ways to go, I want to properly go and expand on them!!



And, I want go and connect my performances together from here onピンクハートハート





The picture, when the opening day is over, it’s me relieved and love flowers花束


The flowers are cute…ピンク薔薇ピンク薔薇ピンク薔薇
Thank you so muchピンクハート



Everyone, reallーーy!
For the lots of support, thank you so much!!



From here on as well, please continue to support meリボン





(Ameblo Original URL)

Posted in Michishige Sayumi Blog, Sayu Ameblo.

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