One Week!

2017-03-26 13:04:10Theme:Blog



Good Morningヒヨコ



It’s Michishige Sayumi who slept into the afternoonピンクハート





Today is, 3/26.
Since the Saisei, one week has passed.





One week has gone by in a flash!




One week ago today, I was reallllーy, reaaaallーーy nervous, my face and body were KachiKachi frozen solid雪の結晶




The sense of tension from all the fans who came to the performance also come across,




The opening day, inside the venue was overflowing with nervous feelings… lol




But, standing on stage!
Getting to see everyone!
It was a day that really felt like joyーハートハートハート



Joyー, maybe it sounds like a common thought but, I really felt that way.
It’s joyー!!! That’s right! I felt that.





Since that, it’s been a week,
total 12 showsバレエリボンドレスピンク薔薇




Eh… I, already, have done 12 showsー!?



that’s how much of a flash it feels likeえーん





I’m saved by the kindness of all the staff,




The warmth of all the fans, love supporting us,




the nervousness melted away too
Each performance, they get to be a fun time on stageうさぎ




Really truly thank you so muchピンクハートピンクハートピンクハート




During the songs 『Sayuminルンルン』 『Sayuminーーールンルン』 『Saーーyuminルンルン
hearing that, it fired me up照れピンクハートピンクハートピンクハート







12 shows done, and that said,



We’re still continuing onお願い




Osaka performances are scheduled too, I’ll keep on doing my best







All the reassuring cast for the Saisei performancesラブ



The Leader・Ganshi role and
fairy role, the two of them are thereピンクハート




For the leader,
it’s a triple cast,
being indebted to them from the opening day, for Hashimoto Masaya-san’s tokyo performances, yesterday was his last





After the show, we went
『Good Job on the Tokyo performances!』
and had a surprise cakeショートケーキ音符





The magicians
『Always being close to the surprise, it makes me happiness〜』
I’m very delighted,
the surprise was a great success!


Pictureハート from the right,
Fairy role・Kitabayashi Asuka-sanおすましペガサスふんわり風船ハート
Toーto role・Michishige Sayumiうさぎ
Leader role・Hashimoto Masaya-sanトランプダイヤトランプスペード
Fairy Role・Hello!Pro Trainee 堀江葵月(Horie Kidzuki)chanおすましペガサスふんわり風船星





All the cast, they are very close, the dressing room is bustling too音符





Hashimoto-san, for the Tokyo performances, truly a Job Well Done!!







From tomorrow we’ll have another new Leader!!キラキラキラキラ





From tomorrow too, please continue to support usうさぎチョコ



(Ameblo Original URL)

Posted in Michishige Sayumi Blog, Sayu Ameblo.

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