Nostalgic Talk

2017-09-30 23:04:08





The other day you know,


when I went to my parent’s home in Yamaguchi


I did a little organizing to my room at my parent’s house!!





I have lots of stuff from my elementary and middle schooler life, most just there but,




Spliting it into necessary things and unnecessary things,
I sorted all kinds of stuff!!





sheehs, it’s all just nostalgic stuff, more than sorting, it ended up like bringing back memories?ニコニコ






From that
A composition from like my third year in elementary school came out!



[tl approx]
Name: Michishige Sayumi
Address : [Blanked out]
Phone Number: [Blanked Out]
Birthday: Heisei 1, 7/13
Blood Type: Type-A
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Nickname: Sayuchan
Specialty: Saruwatari, Monkey climbing aka Monkey bars
Hobby: drawing
Favorite animal: Bunny, Cat
Favorite Play device: Stilts
What you’d say to everyone: Even in our fouth year let’s do our best kay
[end tl]


『Specialty 🎀 Monkey bars🏠』






Monkey bars, I was realllly good at it you know! Me!



It’s surprising huh…?ニコニコ




Looking at my writing, for a moment, I surprised myself. I felt htat but,
I soon rememberd it!!!!!




When I was in elementary school,
I liked the monkey bars, so I could skip a bar,
and because there were lots of people during break and lunch break, I couldn’t do it as I wanted to so,
I’d go early in the morning to play on the monkey bars 猿




I’d lose track of time in a daze doing the monkey bars
I feel like there were times when I’d get scolded by the teacher for not making it to the morning meeting time… lol lol 💦








That kind of nostalgic talk.



This was a blog showing that!!ハート




(Ameblo Original URL)

Posted in Michishige Sayumi Blog, Sayu Ameblo.

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