In To Those Celery Bitsー!

2020-06-12 10:12:52




Good Morning〜!!







Lookie Lookie〜
The well know!
Sayumi Saladグリーンハートグリーンハートグリーンハートサラダ
(This blog, I saved midway through some time back so… the pictures are pretty far back。💦







It’s really very yummy…サラダサラダサラダ



Lately I’ve been into it again so I’m making it often〜キラキラ




The mouth feel of celery


I can’t get enoughハートハートハート爆笑





As a diviation from Sayumi Salad?



Sayumi Fried Rice!!!!!!




For the fried rice
I wanted to put in mushrooms


standing out among the mushrooms especially


is eringi, I like them but


for the fried rice on this day,
they were sold out of eringi at the super market so, I went with shimeji きのこ


I like shimeji too
I like most mushroomsーきのこきのこきのこ




But of course I wanted to eat eringi
so on another day I made it with eringiーキラキラキラキラキラキラ(You can’t really tell with this picture and the eringi huhー笑い泣き




For fried rice,
I can’t get enough of the mouth feel of paprika and celery!!!


When you put celery through too much fire the goodness of the mouth feel dimishes so it’s hard〜




and, paprika is super yummy yah!!!
thinking that I wanted to eat paprika
from that


I tried putting it in the Sayumi Salad too!グリーンハート
Sayumi Salad, you really could put anything in it and it’d be yummy…
I’m a mayonnaise genius…




Making this blog,
I repeating salad and fried rice, it made me laugh. lol




Ah, but you know!
I’m so into celery
I felt like, I wonder if I couldn’t make some other celery cooking too! I should challenge myself too huh!



I like meat tooー




⭐️Fried cooking of just things I like⭐️


Wanting to keep the mouth feel of the celery, I put it in absolute last!
It was so totally rightー!!!!




Celery’s gotta be delicious in other things too rightー!!??








Self shots from some timeニコニコニコニコニコニコ







I thought if it’was just food pictures everyone would be lonely huh〜ニヤリニヤリニヤリ















I tried doing a slightly different feel of make-up than usual too〜



Well you know!
With eye shadow and stuff
I came to the point where I wonder what I should do with the colors I don’t really use from the palettes but💦


With that, I should try using them intentionally! This is that make up!


Hee〜 this color is cute yan! Finding that out is funアイシャドウブラシ



I have quite a bit of self shots I haven’t put up yet yah!!
But I hit the upper limit so that’s all this timeニコニコニコニコ



Laters kayお願いラブラブ








(Ameblo Original URL)

Posted in Michishige Sayumi Blog, Sayu Ameblo.

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