

Good Afternoon!!!
Ah sheesh my sneezing just won’t stop it won’t…(∋_∈)
My throat is itchyyyyy;;
taking the time it shoulda get better though(;_;)


Well! Off~ I go~~



Ah☆ Today my feet are so cute, I really like these <3 Socks are terrific


2011/6/18 14:26

Watch Kay







♪Happy Music♪




Sayumi’s on both!
By all means please watch itー(≧∇≦)



The picture is from when I was on location for Zakigami! ☆\(^ー^)/☆


The outfit is Milk <3 Today my own clothes were Milk too <3


Well, Sayumi will be doing checks and things for the upcoming Morning Musume。 event now(^_^)v
There’s lots of events so my heads all scrambled gocchagocha (lol)
I love events though so I’m looking forward to it o(^▽^)o




2011/6/18 00:04

Paradise Kiss


Today I’m close to no sleeves? I went out with half sleeves and it was unexpectedly cold, how surprising (◎o◎)


This season, the temperature change is drastic so it’s hardddddd (∋_∈);;



Ahh, recently you know, I saw a movie (^_-)☆
“Paradise Kiss”
I went with mom↑ eating popcorn………
No, we might have already finished eating before the movie started, during the previews (lol)




Paradise Kiss, it’s extremely cuteーヽ(´▽`)/


The clothes were great (*´∀`*)
I want to be that stylish♪♪♪♪


Paradise Kiss, I liked the manga so much I read it three times♪
Kitagawa Keiko-san and Oomasa Aya-san and the movies atmosphere, it was really cute!



Sayumi wants to have that kind of style( ´ ▽ ` )ノ <3<3


2011/6/17 23:12



The Kyunki’s, the 9th gen getting together eating snacks...☆



Just Eripon is missing though (>_<)



Their innocence like this is so revitalizing (*´∀`*)


My heart pound Kyun <3 Kyun


2011/6/17 14:36



Good Afternoon!!



Today Tokyo’s raining――(∋_∈)


Today I’ll try my best again \(^ー^)/


Even though I’m sleepy (ρд-)zZZ


This morning, while I was half asleep I was eating and I bit my lip,
The pain was an eye opener (lol)!!!


But I got use to the pain already so I’m back to being sleepy……


Why am I sleepy like this


Good Night…


I want to say but,


Off I go!! (^o^)/


2011/6/17 13:37



Today! Coming up…






By all means please watch kay(^_-)♪



During Onlyyou’s jacket photoshoot, I had the camera and took footage myself~
I took footage of the Morning Musume。 members~~~\(^ー^)/


The jacket photos, my foreheads totally exposed so it’s a little embarassing (->_<-)(lol)


2011/6/17 00:24



Good work today \(^ー^)/


Just now I dozed off for a bit though…
In my dreams I typed up a blog and made an update (lol)


So when I woke up,
and I looked at my blog in a daze, and I hadn’t updated it,
I was kinda surprised (lol)



So now in reality I’m typing up a blog for sure (^_^)v



Even so, lately, I’ve been really sleepy! I’m gonna end up sozing off again soon(∋_∈)


Sleep and waking up, I’m gonna get hungry soon!(lol)


My need for sleep and food aren’t half hearted~~~ヽ(´▽`)/(lol)


2011/6/16 23:57

Four Leaf Search


Today the Lawson we’re indebted to isn’t your usual Lawson, it’s called Happy Lawson (≧∇≦)*


They have snacks and gifts that are kinda rare in convenience stores,
and they have a make your own snack platter, it was very fun O(≧∇≦)o <3<3



And during our breaktime,
at the field like area, Risako-chan and Mai-chan and I,
searched for four leaf clovers!
But, we couldn’t find any (>_<)


But, even if there isn’t a four leaf out there, it was fun to search for one so it’s just delightful♪


Long ago, when I was an elementary school, I’d go home from school while searching for four leaf clovers♪♪♪
The four leaf I found, was carefully placed behind a nameplate ヽ(´▽`)/


I want to try searching for four leaves again~ <3


2011/6/16 21:04



Today at Lawson, the employees I was together with all day were…


Berryz Koubou’s ☆ Sugaya Risako-chan*


C-ute’s ト☆ Hagiwara Mai-chan*




These two high schoolers
So younggggg!


The three of us were talking all excited, it was fun <3 ^∇^ <3 The mood was definitely high schooler☆(^_^)v I also still have the spirit of a high schooler with me(^o^)/ (lol) Yayー <3


I talk with Risako-chan a lot but,
it’s the first time I’ve been this close with Mai-chan, talking lots and,
Mai-chan’s talking and stuff, the way she talks is funny, it’s instantly a hit*(lol)


To become good friends(It might be a one sided thought (lol)) I was happy <3


2011/6/16 17:32