Broadcast has started

Starting this Monday July 11th is our show Moe x Kon

It airs late at night from Monday to Sunday
The air time changes daily but it’s around 2-3am
On weekdays the show will be 15 minutes long, on weekends 10 minutes
We will be giving the latest entertainment news from TV Tokyo

In the first week, we will be introducing a movie from the very popular Pokemon!
This year, Pokemon will be doing a first in it’s movie history
and that is releasing two movies on the same day!
We have a packed lineup of voice actor guests
who will be giving comments you don’t want to miss ^^

I’m sure I still look like a rookie giving these MCs one after another…
but I will try to express the appeal of the entertainment the best I can.
I’ll keep working at it every day
so please watch over me ^^

Please support me!!

August 15th AniSong Plus LIVE

On August 15th at Nakano Sun Plaza
I’ll be making an appearance at
AniSong Plus LIVE!

The main MC will be the group America Zarigani.
But the two of us will be doing a sub MC!
Since this is a live, that means no retakes
so I wonder if us newcomers will be able to handle it??

I’m starting to think that if we fail our MC
there might be some punishment game… or something.

Right, well because at this event…
the previous guests have gone so far as to form a
support group from the things they were forced to do…
Being so close now, I can smell a sense of danger there

So please come out to enjoy all the happenings you can only see here
and of course the singing on stage!

For more information go here ↓

Please check it out ^^

Tomorrow’s “Neta no Neta”

Tomorrow, July 15th
on News Morning Satellite (5:45am ~ 6:40am)
I’ll be making an appearance!

Today we went on site to Neta no Neta to film for tomorrow’s show.

This is the shop of tomorrow’s opening theme

Here is how the shop looks like before it opens

It’s so stylish inside…

and then, open!
There’s quite a lot of space in between seats
so it looks pretty relaxing ^^

The show is about “The shop with the most delicious ____ type of food”
so I got to taste a lot of stuff ^^

Here is a chain from Australia that has opened 3 stores
What is the secret to their popularity?
And what type of food do they serve?
Please check out tomorrow’s show to find out ^^

The food was amazing ^^

Today we were at a food place so I had a lot of fun recording
but Morning Satellite is usually a morning show that reports about the economy.
I’ll probably be really nervous when the real show airs, but I’ll do my best.

July 7th Kidzania broadcast

Yesterday on tanabata July 7th
it was “Channel 7’s TV Tokyo Day”
and at Koutouku Tokyo’s Kidzania
from July 7th to the 8th at 4pm
we had a TV Tokyo special event ^^

And yesterday I was able to give a live update
from the Tokyo Kidzania!!

Tokyo Kidzania is a place aimed to show kids
what it’s like to work at different jobs.
All those working little kids are such a cute sight ^^

You can try out all sorts of different jobs at Tokyo Kidzania.

For example a gas station attendant

It was so lovely to see them in their uniforms and greeting people ^^

And then this “little bus” running around inside Kidzania…

In a cute voice “Now if you look over to your right~”
Girls can get experience being a bus guide.

And then the very popular “Firefighter experience”

Here are the kids working hard fighting fires.

There was a little boy who’s uniform was a little too big for him.

But all the kids wearing the uniforms were very cute ^^

And here are some excited parents
taking pictures of their kids

Looking at the joyful expression on their faces…
just made me want to take a picture

It got me thinking… if that was my kid
Having them dress up in different uniforms
and trying out different jobs
is something I’d definitely want to see

Tokyo Kidzania is such a wonderful place both parents and kids can enjoy ^^

It is the same Tokyo Kidzania from where I gave my report.

Having a live broadcast as my first appearance on screen as an announcer
was so incredibly nerve-wrecking! >< A ton of people were telling me "Good luck" and sending me emails... I was able to face my first broadcast with the support of a lot of friendly voices Of course there is a lot to review but I was very happy to take that first step forward. I had talked to Kano-san, who was in charge of this report last year and just like she said, the kids were so hyper! Even though I was wearing earphones, I couldn't hear my own voice. Being in such a bustling place like this made me realize once again how important it is to have a loud voice. I know I will have plenty more "first experiences" after this but I know that if I don't take each one seriously and learn from them I will regret it later. I'll do my best to learn from this and keep on working hard!

I think I’ll remember this day every Tanabata (July 7th) now ^^
July 7th was a very nerve-wrecking but important day for me.

New show “Moe x Kon”

Starting July 11th, every night from Monday to Sunday
is our new show “Moe x Kon”!

This is a show
where we will introduce entertainment recommended by TV Tokyo
such as events, movies, plays, DVDs and books…
Once in a while we will also have guests come on
to talk about why something in particular is so amazing
The MCs of that show will be two first year TV Tokyo employees
Ueda and myself

Having only been with the company for three months…
Our first regular tv show, our first MC
I would imagine there may be a few clumsy moments.
Wait, it’ll probably be full of clumsy moments.
But I hope to gain a lot of experience from this
and grow from it! ^^

But while I am grateful for this opportunity to learn…
I will still be working my hardest
to properly showcase the latest entertainment news!

In our first week we will be showing the very popular soon to air
“Pokemon Best Wishes: Victini and the Black Hero Zekrom
and Victini and the White Hero: Reshiram”!
We also have an amazing voice actress as a guest to comment…!
So please check it out

I am nervous about my first regular on this show.
But anyway, here is what the set looks like ^^

Every week the person leading the MC changes so
our meetings are 1 at a time

But I secretly got some pics of Ueda during her meeting ^^
Something that eases our nerves through this
are these stuff animals resting on top of our desks

So who is this character?
This guy shows up in “Natsume’s Book of Friends”
which we’ll be introducing next week ^^

Although the first thing we’re going to introduce is pokemon
we have a lot of pokemon stuffed animals too
I just forgot to take pics of them…
As we went through the recording
by the time I remembered, the Pokemon weren’t there anymore
I guess I was too focused on the MC
and it slipped my mind…

I’ll be working my hardest so please support “Moe x Kon”!

Our first ep airs Monday July 11th and 3am ^^
The channel will be of course

^^ (Analog channel 12) Please support us!

Aika blog “84days”


I made some melon bread ♪(´ε` )
I had made it once before but I couldn’t quite get it down
so I gave it another try ☆☆

How does it look? ♪
Did I get it right!?
In the ones I made before these, I made too many cuts
and it fell apart (^_^;) lol

These were really good though ~ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ♪
My 2nd try on these turned out pretty good (^^)♪
But I still think they could have been a little sweeter (*^^*)
I’ll try to make these again next time I’m in the mood ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

aika blog

Risa Deco “Announcement of Episode 12′s winner”

Thank you for all your applications and feedback
for the Niigaki deco’d “Supplement Case”!
And now allow me to announce the winner of the “Supplement Case”!


Pen name



We expect to ship it out by the beginning of July
please look forward to it ☆彡

Training Diary 10 News Studio training

The other day I did some news studio training!

To be honest
I was really nervous…

Announcer Kurano senpai said “I just stopped by to take a peek!”
actually a lot of senpais from the announcer department came to see
which made me even more nervous

I was double-checking the script right up until we started

My colleague Ueda also had a serious face on

By the way, these pics were taken by Announcer Itagaki
Thank you for taking them!

Our afternoon training was reviewing the video clips
taken from our news studio training…
And in doing this, hearing your own voice and seeing yourself
you can really pick out your own characteristics and habits
I really learned a lot from it.
I hope to really make good use of this afternoon’s training

I was nervous this time but
there are things waiting for me that’ll make me even more nervous
so I need to get stronger! ^^

Aika blog “83days”


Look!! Look!! ☆
Don’t you think this cheese cake turned out pretty good? (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
I really took my time to get it right (*^^*)♪
I sprinkled about 10 drops of vanilla extract and it
gave it such a wonderful smell and taste ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ♪♪

I gave this cake as a birthday present to a staff
since she is always helping me out (^^)☆
A few days later I asked how it was
and she said “It was gooooood~!!”
I used butter and cookie to make the crust of the cheese cake
but that part ended up really hard
and apparently wasn’t edible (-_-;)lol
I tried it myself too, and yeah it wasn’t (´o`; lol
Maybe I put too much butter? ( ̄◇ ̄;)

Well, I’ll try again sometime ♪(´ε` )
aika blog