(Update II)The Big Slowdown ><

(Update 2) We’re now back on track, thank you all for your patience in the matter!

(Update) Sayu Blogs are now up to date as of this update. 38 Entries new if you’re only seeing the latest 20 from RSS, look forward to 15 Risa’s (if not more because of further posting) hopefully within another 24 hours.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone, whether you celebrate it or not!

My sincerest apologies everyone,

The updates have gotten delayed due to a combination of my school projects reaching near their conculsion and the processing of the announcement of Reina’s graduation (which you can read the translation of on Takamaruyo.net *wink wink*)

I am currently trying to catch up, and have a stack translated, but for the ease of posting I am preparing them all at once, you should be getting them within 24 hours of this post.

I just hope I haven’t lost any readers… there’s more news coming but I’ll wait till I’m back up to date to talk to everyone about it, I’d like everyone to know what’s going on here at Nantonaku~

Thank you for our patience (or if you don’t have patience, please do me the favor of granting me just a bit more)


Small Slowdown

Hey readers quick update for everyone
So far the Sayu blog category poll has shown me you all just want to see Sayu blogs in one place, so for now that’s how it will be, I’ll be checking the poll from time to time to see if that changes any as time goes on!

You might have noticed a small slow down in translations as of late. I apologize as Midterms are going on at my university, resulting in both work and school requiring slightly more attention. This might continue a bit into next week, we offer our apologies and hope that you’ll continue supporting us in the future.

That said, to my knowledge we’re one of the few places that is able to keep up with Sayu’s almost 1.75x increase in blog entries since acquiring her Ameblog (and Gaki’s blog is still up to date too!). Because of this if you’d like to bring your Sayu fan friends over to us we’d be grateful to have new readers ^^; We’ll keep working hard to bring you content as soon as we can, so please continue to support us in any way that you can.

Invis (currently at 5:19 in the morning =P)

Sayu’s New Blog! (Feedback Wanted!)

Head’s up Nantoreaders!


Sayu’s got herself a blog upgrade! (or maybe you’d just call it a shift?)

Now she’ll be posting on both her Gree blog (the pretty blue treeful blog this site is matching in style) and her new Ameblog (the pink and sparkly new blog with the pretty header). For how long this simultaneous blog posting will last we can’t say, and if this is a hint at the future I don’t think we can say either, but for now she has stated that she’ll be running on both blogs and who are we to say she’s lying  ^^;.


In any case, with that you’ll be noticing that some of her blogs will be formatted differently to match the style that we rip from the ameblog entries, with the date on the top and the link back to their site accessed through the text usually marked “Original URL”.


How will this effect you? That’s for you Nantoreaders to decide!  We’re have a poll question at the bottom of this entry that you can take part of to help organize this site.

In addition provide us feedback in the comments for this entry on topics regarding the format of the entries and this site including but not limited:

  • If you’d like the formatting of Ameblo based entries to differ (and if so in what way)
  • If you’d like the site to reflect a more “Ameblo” style of site (As in changing the background, layout, and colors *look at Sayu’s ameblog*…okay maybe not the color ^^;)
  • If you want the blog to reflect a color scheme matching the major blog translations (Gaki colors + Sayu colors = watermelon colors?) or maybe not at all?
  • Changes in how the front page could be formatted for you liking


We appreciate your viewership and would like to continue to bring you to us for your blog translations desires. Please note while your input is valuable, as always the integration of your ideas into the site will be based on an “as available” basis and may not come into action until  such time that the staff of the site is available to make changes. Regardless, your thoughts are being heard. We are always looking for feedback and potential newcomers here at Nantonaku!


[2015夏] How many of the "main" blog translations do you read?

View Results

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[Update] Caught Up! and More

CAUGHT UP!…yay! We’re going back into normal gear I hope! lol. Okay so hopefully everyone’s forgiven me for that HUGE delay ^^;. We’ll be returing back to the normal run of things with the minor hiccups because of my usual work/homework roughness.

Unfortunately the Reina Blogs are gonna have to go back on ice (unless Hawaii gets more love ^^). Do you guys want to keep Reina running here? I need to know you do! Write in that you want it and why it would make a good permanent addition here.

I do plan to write a feature for the site about what happened recently from the outside perspective… but in a different way then one might expect. Unless I feel like it might be too questionable or not interesting. We will see.

Gaki’s Blog = Up to date as of this post
Sayu’s Blog = 1 Entry waiting to catch up on Reina Blog
Reina’s (Hawaii) Blog = 3 posts left

It’s coming. ^^;

Congrats goes to Sammi (who has no reason to read this but still) for her appearance on Sayu’s blog. Met her myself, she’s a fun person to be around, and made hanging out on that last day Momusu fun just as interesting.

Good and Bad Delays

Just a quick update for anyone who has been by in a few days and noticed we are UBER behind. There are delays, I’ll probably get to them Saturday evening Hawaii time. Safe to say that it was a combination of school and fandom overload… So hold on tight everyone I’ll be back soon enough!

(Temporary) NEW translations



It may be ambitious to try this, but since Hawaii travelling usually means the blogging will be slightly slower, I’ve decided to try and boost up bringing content to you guys temporarily. It doesn’t help that them being so very close to my place of residence gets me a little hyper ^^;.


That said for the duration of their stay in Hawaii, I’ve added Tanaka Reina’s blog as another blog I will be doing translations of. Keep in mind because Reina’s style is full of specialized gifs and format changes I will not be doing those directly to save time, but I will be providing translations, the t_(thumbnail) version of pics, and any emoji that are already in the nanto system that she does use.


Hopefully you’ll enjoy it, and know that once this is over, there is no gaurantee that it’ll continue onwards. For now just enjoy the ride.




PS. I’m pretty sure Saturday blogs will be late, you’ve been warned =P.

Summer’s Over ~_~ Update

Thanks to everyone who participated in the summer survey! I was happy hear what you guys had to say and why you enjoy coming to Nantonaku for your Sayu and Gaki Blog translations.


Unfortunately it’s that time of the year to inform everyone that school is back in session which means for a little while my translations will be a little less reliable in terms of updates and consistency (as always I promise to do my best to maintain the quality of the translations but sometimes my sleepy efforts result in things that nary make sense).


But as long time readers will know, I will be updating as regularly as possible, don’t worry I’m still gonna be here.


Thanks again for all the support guys, with school coming back in session and Momusu’s Hawaii tour coming (which I can’t be in but will keep an eye out for), It’ll be an interesting time for us all. I’ll keep doing what I’m doing, you guys take care too!

Informal Poll (Summer’12)

Hello again, no doubt if you’re reading this you must be one of the readers of these translations who actually comes looks at the updates and not just directly to the translation page of your choice! (lol)


As summer draws to a close I found myself bogged down with real life work that I never got around to doing much for this site. The summer trip report got thrown away as work set in, and my plans to do some redesigns to the site never came to light beyond the frontpage reinstating.


That said, I recently had seen someone comment that they wished I also did other blogs too. This brings to mind some factors that I’d like to ask you, the readers, about.


Understandably you are welcome to ignore this post, I’m cool like that and I won’t be offended, but if you want to see this site change in any way input helps. Feel free to answer any or all the questions as you see fit (though number your answers incase I don’t know which you’re answering by context ^^;)


1. What is it about this blog translation site that brings you here instead of to the other sites offering translations? If it is the quick time turn over how much time makes a difference before you go somewhere else? (Keep in mind if it’s something in particular about my translations, it might be taken into consideration if anyone contacts me asking if can do translations in the future)


2. What brought you to this corner of the Internet? A former Hyakupa fan? Current Takamaruyo fan? Did someone link here from a forum? Inquiring minds would like to know (lol).


2a. If you did come here from a forum, did the people properly credit this site (or the translator) as their source? Did they copy and paste the entire post? If they did copy the entire post, what led you to coming to the site?


3. Are there ways that the site could be improved for your convenience (including but not limited to including other blog translations, color changes, interface changes)?


I’d love to add more blogs translations (and vid subs and karaoke subs) to the site but as a currently one man operation my options are fairly limited. Even so hearing suggestions and feedback is all I can ask for at the moment.

New Frontpage

A new frontpage is made for your convenience. Since we’ve haven’t had much news and features lately with how schedulings been, I’ve decided to restore some functionality to the frontpage.


Now you’ll get mini previews of the last two Sayu and Gaki Translations available on the front page in little previews, this way you’ll be able to tell if you’ve seen it before or not (in case you don’t remember titles).


On a side note, I’m not sure if I’m gonna have a write up about my trip, the relevance might not be valid and I’m finding myself lacking the time to gather my thoughts. BUT I will keep trying to find something worth reading in my mind.

Thank you for your continued support,

(Update) Back to The Grind

Just so people know, I’ve returned safely and am currently working and catching up with everything, it may take a bit to catch up and write up my thoughts and memories of the trip so please bear with me.

Thanks for your patience,

(Update as of 05/23/2012) We are now back up to speed with our blog translations, thanks to Turbos86 for all the support over the important days of blog entries. And thank you all for your patience over my days away. I’m happy to see those of you who provided feedback during my time away and upon my return. It’s always nice to know that our contributions here are appreciated.

Moving forward, I’m working on writing up my experience in some way or another, I don’t know whether to write it as a retrospective, a lesson guide, or just gushing about my time. But I will try to put together something that everyone can enjoy.

Till then,