Regarding Blog Translations

A very good question came up regarding whether we at Nantonaku will be taking up Mitsui Aika’s official ameblog “aika”.


While I would love to add “aika” (and others) to the list of blogs we translate, which currently includes Michishige Sayumi’s Official Gree Blog and Niigaki Risa’s Official Oricon Star Blog, “It was happy?”, the chances of that happening are currently unfortunately low.


With the additional probability of Gakisan returning to a Q&A format in the near future, it takes a lot of time for me as one person to translate those blogs soon after they appear.  Add to that the fact that I don’t know how many actual readers I have out there that would support 3 blogs translations without any reasonable amount of traffic to them. It’s true I do these translations for fun and I enjoy doing them, but the demand of them in addition to the daily requirements to keep alive (and well fed and what not) make it hard to justify this move, especially doing it all alone. 


So I leave these questions to you, my readers:

1. Do you want to see Aika’s blog translated?

2. Do you have a way to secure/increase readers (or at least confirm the number of readers I have) in order to make it valid?

3. Would you sacrifice the “timeliness” of the blogs in order to add another blog translation to the mix?


Giving me good answers might not result in those actions being taken directly, but the more perspectives I get one the matter the better justifications I can make on whatever decision I make.

Posted in News.


  1. If translating Aika’s blog is going to slow down Sayu’s blog translation then no i don’t want to… and the amount of readers well is a minimum of 71 rigth? judging by the poll below… =)

  2. I agree with Alejandra – if translating Aika’s blog is going to slow down Sayu’s blog, then I’d rather not have Aika’s translated. I’m pretty neutral on having her blog translated.

    Yes I would suggest using polls to determine how many people read. You could have random polls of the week/month or something (ONLY if you have time), and make it so that people can only vote once (or each IP address). It’s not 100% foolproof but it will give you an estimation.

  3. Not bad suggestions except people read without paying attention to the news or anything other than the blogs, so a poll means nothing to the actual reading content. Even without proper statistical checks I can tell that people directly read from the sections that don’t include the news without even going there. I may put something in just to try to get more feedback or at least get people more involved though, thank you.

    I hear you about wanting Sayu blogs on time…but that doesn’t show me if you want to see Aika blog or not. I was really hoping the numbers would mean you’d answer them all. There goes that concept.

    And also while I do like to support my fellow translators, giving people other places to go doesn’t really HELP me get more readers now does it…


  4. This this is a community dear old friend Nantoki, and when it comes to Aika-chan, I need to satisfy immediate urges :wink
    People want fast options, especially when a blog initially opens, essentially striking while the hammer is out, managing your tent and working in new ideas around this new group of readers.

    I like to think that Sayu blog readers are under the same tent with Aika blog readers, in fact I’m sure that some of them are.

    Hmm…a way to increase the readers or at least identify the ones you have.. it is a tough question.

    I think the only real way of doing this would be to substantially grow the webpage beyond the current format that it is structured, one in which branches out the entries and connects them into different facets of H!P life. This as it sounds would take a substantial amount of work.

    The alternative to this would be a lesser idea, of link dropping on other webpages and fan sites to conglomerate the collectives. A challenge in itself but if done effectively could strengthen the whole.

  5. @InvisNantoka: I can’t find the comments we exchanged before and I never heard back from you, so as a friendly reminder, the door is always open for you at blog!project. If you care about getting the blogs out on time, wouldn’t it be better if you shared the workload with other translators, rather than double their work?

    Just to make it clear, we don’t think of it in terms of being a competition or anything like that, our goal is to make it the easiest for fans to access and read the blogs of their favourite idols. It would be much more beneficial for everyone if we could cooperate somehow, so we’d love to see you on board with us.

    As before, email me or PM me on mm-bbs if you’re interested.

    Cheers from b!p,

  6. I don’t think of it directly as a competition either, as long as people are getting things that’s great.

    But at the same time I’d like to make sure what I’m doing makes a difference in a way that I’m comfortable with.

    I think it’s great that b!p is a blog translation hub for people. Sure there are parts about it I don’t really favor or anything, but it’s a great cache for anyone DD or just interested in seeing blogs in general.

    Believe me when I say I’ve considered it for more than a second, but Nantonaku is my home and I want to keep it that way.

    I may email you to talk details though, if you want, just finding the time to word it all properly may be something =P

  7. 1. Do you want to see Aika’s blog translated?

    -No, Aika is my least favorite in all of H!P so I don’t care about her. And I hate that annoying person always commenting about Aika on Sayu blog like saying AIKAAAA nonsense.

    2. Do you have a way to secure/increase readers (or at least confirm the number of readers I have) in order to make it valid?

    -No, it wouldn’t make a difference since Aika is not that likeable or popular that only increase a handful, Sayu and Gaki is enough. Now if you want increase in readers might as well do Ai-chan or Reina.

    3. Would you sacrifice the “timeliness” of the blogs in order to add another blog translation to the mix?

    -No, even if Sayu doesn’t blog that much anymore like the past, I don’t want to delay too much.

    Sayu is always be the first priority.

  8. it’d be nice to see Aika’s blog translated here, but like many others if it’s going to slow down Sayu’s blog then i’d guess i’d choose not too see the translations.

  9. Oh you’re that annoying person LOL. I’m just answering those question. You butt hurt? Aika really is just ugly like her fans.

  10. Whoa, what a relief! Invis, I’m glad that you stuck to your principles, keep this site open and not join other groups. I like reading yours and b!p, even if I have to re-read the blogs because we all know japanese can be translated in so many ways.

    Besides I like reading (well, study :cry:) the original then turn to your site if I’m right. Sadly a long way to go.

    As for the Aika blog, if it is a slow day and something funny or amusing to you, go ahead. You don’t have to translate her daily report.

  11. @InvisNantoka: that’s a very late reply from me, sorry. But yes, I would very much like to hear your thoughts on the matter, so please PM or email me whenever you have a spare moment. :-)

  12. I really enjoy your site, thank u very much :)
    I open your site everyday, I’m a big fans of sayu, but I’ll be glad if u translate aika’s blog, but if it’s make you day harder, then, don’t do it.
    Or maybe you can translate aika’s blog, but not really on time just like sayu’s blog, or something like that…

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