2012-06-01 17:23:50



Himitsu no KENMIN SHOW (tl: Secrets of the prefecture natives show)
we’ve done a recording for it note


The broadcast day is up




It is



As a Kanagawa representative, I’ve gotten to appear



Watch kay!




Well then! Answers hearttears



■ Risa-chan does your have have lots of volume?


If it’s a lot, even though getting it together is hard,
your forehead shows when you put it up in a fluffy weave,
and your bangs are full when it’s down,
no matter what it’s clean,
and always matches you, I’m so jealous!




Mmhmm♪ I’ve got lots of hairー♪


so I’ve gotten brush it and stuff!



■ If you had just a little bit of magic,
what would you wish for (*´ω`*)?



I want to the power to read people’s minds.
person to person.
It’s really hard huh…
cause how we think is different too



■ Risa-chan do you watch yourself appearing on TVshows?



I watch it!



■ What movies do you like?
(Not including Disney)



The other day, I saw
Johnny Depp’s
DARK SHADOWS, it was HaraHara thrilling, DokiDoki exciting, and funny!!




■ They announced the Disney Movie, “Monsters Inc. 2” but will you go see it?



I want to seeeee it! I love Monsters Inc.




■ The other day on KonKon’s birthday,
it seems you had an error mailing her but
aftere that did you get her new mail address?(lol)



She told meー!! lol
Sheesh, Konno-san is~
Well, even so you can’t hate Konkon you know~lol
She’s the best




■ Risa-cahn when you’re in transport on the bullet train, are you the type to sleep?
Or are you the type to look at your mobile phone or iPad?
Or are you the type to eat something?


Going I sleep! In any case I sleep!


On the way home~ Lately, I’ve been looking at scripts!



■ Are there any regrettable things in your time in Risa-chan’s time in Morning Musume。!?







■ You went to Yaguchi-san’s wedding ceremony huh!


I have a question related to marriages,
I want to know Gakisan’s feelings towards marriage (*^o^*)/



Seeing Yaguttsan’s wedding reception banquet,
marriage is, two people overcoming al kinds of things, even so they feel they understand each other, I feel like that’s what marriage is.


I feel like if either of them is in self-denial then eventually they’ll reach their limit


I thought someday I do want to firmly understand another person, a wonderful person, and get married!




■ Gakisan what do you think,
Who is the next Morning Musume。 Ace??





She’s leading Musume。 from this point in song and dance huh!
They’ve entrusted her with the center for their 50th new song


The new song was cool too



Everyone doing their best makes my heart skip a beat dmheart





Posted by I Want to Meet with the Members

Posted in Niigaki Risa Blog.

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