We’re Coming Back!

Nantonaku-Translations is rolling back into action!

And we’re going to be new and improved you see!
Thanks to some obsessive work on my part I’ve been able to advance the automated portion of the translation work. This means I can now focus more on the translation part, and worry less about properly converting all the emoji (which you’ll probably notice that ALL of them are being included), posting things in the right order, posting one thing at a time, etc.

Now this is still a “work in progress” that is that it’s all done by me, so there’s bound to be little snags here and there. You might have noticed that if you’re using an RSS feed reader the update to the status section on the frontpage says I updated at 3:42am my time (as of this news), while your feedreaders probably said I did it 5 hours earlier. That’s something I forgot to compensate for and probably will in the future (well it’ll still be maybe 1-2 hours behind, but it’s so I can post up a lot at once).

Still, it’s a much faster process, as I was able to translate and post all those entries in a couple of hours since locking the system down.

I don’t want to be to optimistic but barring translation fatigue and other life issues, this makes catching up a much more possible chance even though I have over 400 Sayu entries alone to cover. Fear not Gaki Blog readers, the system works for her blogs too, so I should be able to catch up there as well.

Now this is getting long but for anyone who is really interested in reading all the old blogs, please keep an eye out for anything unusual. If so please let me know as I can make adjustments to the system for future use (I probably won’t be able to correct everything in these old ones without it taking awhile and so that will be last priority). Still I’m glad to be back and hope you guys are still here!


Posted in News.


  1. Welcome back, I’m still here like always and always visit your blog site almost everyday. Take your time and thanks a lot for your dedication.

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