[Site News] The Troubles Keep Coming!

Hey Everyone,

It’s a sad update but one that I think is necessary since I’ve left you guys hanging in limbo for so long.

It is unfortunate that I have to say that right now my work is being quite a bit of a pain. And while I’ve been able to manage being both a student, a teacher’s assistant (both in the teaching and grading capacity), and a translator for you guys, right now it feels like the fates are not in my favor. Weekends, and even holidays are being ruled by the need to play catch up to expectations from everyone.

So let me give you guys a projection because I feel it would be unfair to leave you hanging in the air.

For the rest of this semester, I’m unfortunately putting translations on hold.

Now at the same time I realize what happened last time I did that. You guys were forced to wait for the catch up or abandonment of the old entries.

SO, when I come back I’m going to finish the translations I have already partly done before this big problem, drop them back in time so I can have a big hole for the “sometime possible fill in” and then just jump to the present after that. This way you’ll be able to celebrate Christmas with Sayu and Gaki if possible.

It is my sincerest apologies that it’s come to this, and while words may be cheap it is the only thing I can give to express how troublesome the situation has become in my real life, and how much I want to be able to come back to this.

I promise I will return, translating is still fun for me, and perhaps one day it won’t just be me giving you guys what you want. But until that day, or until the day this site becomes irrelevant, we just gotta keep on keeping on.

Usachan Peace for everyone,

Posted in News.


  1. I, and I’m sure many other Sayu/Gaki fans appreciate your translations. Thank you for even doing this job in the first place!

  2. Hi Invis,
    Thanks for the Update, I really appreciate the update. Hope your situation becomes easier on you soon. Thank you for doing what you can.

  3. Thank you for this update, but you really don’t have to apologize ! Personal life and work comes first. We appreciated your translations until now, and I’m sure many if not all will come back when you will resume. Until then, take care !

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