12th Year!

2014-01-19 22:39:46


Good Evening[みんな:01]



Today, Sayumi,
has been in Morning Musume。 for 11 years~ビックリマーク







For today, the day of my 11 year anniversary,
in Nagoyaニコニコ
we had Hello!Pro Concerts[みんな:02]



Before the concerts started


we got to do a handshake eventアップ



All the fans said,




lots of them got to say it directly[みんな:08]ドキドキ



It was such a delight[みんな:04][みんな:05][みんな:06]




Thank you thank you thank you[みんな:07]




During the concert, we hadn’t touched on my 11th anniversary but


With all my heart
I did the concert with my “Thank you” feelings[みんな:09][みんな:10]



if everyone wasn’t around an 11th anniversary wouldn’t have come [みんな:11]



so that I could convey my convey even a bit of my gratitude to everyone,
so that those of you who could come could be overjoyed…


for Nagoya
and cause I thought, “maybe people hoping for it will come too!?”





I did Usachan hair[みんな:12](笑)




The members told me, “It’s cuteラブラブcuteラブラブラブラブ


It made me happy[みんな:13][みんな:14]





And then you know,
the members and the staff,


celebrated with me with a surprised cakeアップアップラブラブ


Isn’t it amazing?
this cakeケーキ




Sayumi, she was delighted…


and a bit embarrassed though[みんな:15]




Surrounded by the people I loveキラキラ


The beloved things, the joy that’s contineud through these 11 years, I’ve taken it all in.



I’ve taken in the cake’s deliciousness too~ラブラブ!ドキドキドキドキ





Everyone eating it looks so yummy tooニコニコひらめき電球








Again thinking about it,
11 years, this short time that seems so long… rather not short, but it went by in a flash you know!


All kinds of things,
things that I couldn’t face head on, that it seems like I couldn’t get, that makes me scared
being reckless, not being able to keep my cool but…


in that way, I learned all kinds of things in these 11 yearsビックリマーク



Meeting lots of people, talking with them, connectingドキドキ



all of it,


I got because of Morning Musume。ドキドキ



Truly, the Morning Musume。 group has my gratitude[みんな:16]


Getting to meet everyone,
having this blog,
writing things up right now
it’s cause Morning Musume。 exists[みんな:17]



this has gotten kinda long(lol)あせる



In anycase, it’s what Sayumi wants to say you know.
Please continue to support me in my 12th year too. That!(lol)



There’s still a lot more I have to learn,
and that I want to convey,


Sayumi’s Morning Musume。 life continues[みんな:18][みんな:19]



Everyone come along with me tooラブラブ!


Please continue your supportラブラブラブラブ


I got fantastic flowersブーケ1





I’m so happy, it ended up blurring[みんな:20][みんな:21]




(Ameblo Original URL)

Posted in Michishige Sayumi Blog, Sayu Ameblo.

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