


Good Evening!


I’m sorry for this being so late!


The day ended up changing so it was yesterday but,


On 1/19,
Sayumi had been in Morning Musume。 for 11 years!



My 11th anniversary \(^o^)/



my beloved group, beloved members, and all the beloved fans


Being surrounded by the people I love
and continuing to do what I love, it’s a joy.


That’s not natural that’s why huh.


Sayumi is veーry blessed!


I’m filled with my feelings of gratitutde!



This 11th anniversary today!
there were Nagoya Hello!Pro concerts (人´∀`*)



Getting to do a concert,
on a day like today getting to spend it together with all the fans really means something!



And, Sayumi wants to be able to celebrate(lol)


And then〜
I want to be able to celebrate it with everyone!(lol)


And so it made me reallーy happy〜o(*’▽’*)/☆゜’・:*☆



“Even though I wanted to go to the concerts I couldn’t〜
I’m feeling that too♪



And, I got a surprise cake from the members and all the staff too…(〃ω〃)


Yayー( *´艸`)


Thank you so much!!!!


The cake was yummy ヾ(o´▽`)ノ
It tasted delightful!♪





When I sent my mom a picture of the cake,


“During the Winner’s Announcement,
we waited at TVTo for a long time huh
I remember that
It’s been 11 years since then? It’s been so fast,”


she responded with that!



Seeing this mail from my mom,
I rememberd it really clearly!


During the Winner’s Announcement,


we really were waiting (lol)



So nostalgic


And that was the start of it all huh…



11 years since then!
There as been all kinds of things but, at that time
I’m glad that 『Morning Musume。’s Michishige Sayumi』
had started then!


I’m really grateful(人´∀`*)
Even still in this 12th year as well
『Morning Musume。’14’s Michishige Sayumi』 will be doing her best!


2014/1/20 01:35 (GREE)

Posted in Michishige Sayumi Blog, Sayu GREE.

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