Shop I Like♡

2014-04-09 13:20:57


I’ve had my eye on these clothes♡ It’s so cuteeeドキドキドキドキドキドキ










☆What are roles you want to do again?


Fujiko(Satsujinki Fujiko) and Riiko (Zettai Kareshi。)




☆From here it’s gotten a bit warm but, for perfume are you using Gucci’s Envy Me? Is that it?



YupEmoji Using it for 8 years.




☆Gakisan are there any memories from your 25th birthday? And not just your 25th, if yo uhave any birthday episodes, please tell us about it.



For my birthday, every year it a day that I really feel joy.
Getting “happy birthday” from lots of people…
I feel like “thanks for letting me be born,”



Happy 25th!


☆Gakisan, how do you do your make-upー???


Without putting on foundation, I use BB cream, and I change it based on my mood for the dayー(^.^)



☆…For buying alcohol at the convenience store, even though I use the age validation touch screen at the register, the store clerk demand to see my proof of age.
Well, Gakisan. What do I do?




Talk often.
Come out honestly.
Be Bold.


┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌



☆Have you talked with the person inside of Kanagawani-kun?



Person inside? What are you talking about?←



☆I love Gakisan’s songs!! I want you to do lots of lives❤ I hope for Solos or Aigaki!! Are there no plans for any lives?(´・Д・)」



A solor, I’m doing one in September!!
By all means please come (^.^)


For the details, I’ll make an announcement on the blog later kay




☆Admiring Risa-chan, I made my bangs straight forward!
But in the morning I can’t set it well… What does Risa-chan always do to have such straight bangs??(*^^*)


When I wake up in the morning, I wet it with water, dry it with a drier, and use a hair iron‼︎


☆Did you lie to anyone
on April Fools’?(lol)


I didn’t




☆Right now which junior do you worry about the mostー??







I want you to do your best♡









(Ameblo Original URL)

Posted in Niigaki Risa Blog.

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