2014-07-16 20:04:53


The story of the final day of the bus tourビックリマーク



Going to where Sayumi would often play when she was small
we went to Tokiwa Park[みんな:01]



At this Tokiwa Park, we were doing a quiz rally with all the fans,


Sayumi too, was walking through Tokiwa Park at the same time~音譜


In the end, it rained just a biーt but, we somehow could deal with it


Really it was goodddd \(^o^)/くもりくもりくもり



Thank you weather godsドキドキ






“Over there, when Sayumi was small there was a swing attraction,”


Sayumi explaining thatにひひ





Telling all the fans


“Do your best on the quiz~”


That’s me saying itニコニコアップ


Tokiwa Park was fun[みんな:02]



But, but by chance now,
it seems they’re in renewal,
and I couldn’t find the monkey place, it was unfortunateダウンダウンダウン





there was this big boat?


there were lots of monkeys there


That place, when I was small I really liked it so I wanted everyone to see it too~ビックリマーク




When Tokiwa Park’s quiz rally was finished,



I stood at the goods floorにひひにひひにひひアップ


Irasshaimase, Welcome~[みんな:03][みんな:04][みんな:05]



Like thatー[みんな:06]


That too was funー[みんな:07][みんな:08]


But, due to time constraints,
I couldn’t be there to the end so,
I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet everyoneしょぼん





after thatドキドキ


the Fan Meetingドキドキ


At the time,
all the fans
as a surprise
sang 『Happy Daisakusen』 for me!!ドキドキドキドキ



It made me superーsuperー happyしょぼんドキドキ



Really it was a delight!


For sure, it was a Happy Daisakusen \(^o^)/


Happy Dai-success\(^o^)/\(^o^)/\(^o^)/


Everyone, thank yoーu[みんな:09][みんな:10]



At the end, seeing everyone off~音譜




Until the absolute end,
Everyone was giving lots of love,
really it was a fantastic three daysドキドキ





Thank youキラキラキラキラキラキラ





(Ameblo Original URL)

Posted in Michishige Sayumi Blog, Sayu Ameblo.

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