♪Cause It’s Co〜ld〜☆ Fukumura Mizuki

2015-01-30 22:08:16
Theme:Fukumura Mizuki


Good Evenin’po(*´∀`*)ノnEmoji


The first snow of the yearEmoji
It’s fallen huh~ in Tokyo tooEmoji


EmojiWhite TOKYOEmoji


I ended up doing it on this kind of first snow dayーチョキにひひにひひチョキ



EmojiFirst kakikoori, shave ice of the yearEmoji



























……You’re saying why would that be?


Today in transport to the next lesson location I was together with Ogata-chanEmoji
As a joke I said, “Wellー first snow has fallen so we should go eat our first kakikoori tooーhuhー♪” and Ogata-chan went,


“Ehーー! I want to eat someーー目EmojiEmoji


And with that the 2 of us went!


Mizuki was surprised too but, while we were saying we’re realy looking forward to it~ up to the time they go there, we picked things from the menu on their HPEmoji



In the summer this story would be superー crowded crowded but,
today forーsomeーreason was like it was reserved!←
EmojiRoasted green tea soy flour and creme bruleeEmoji


It was FuwaFfuwa fluffy, super yummy… and was coldEmojiEmoji
I worried about whether I could eat it all that’s how big it was but, surprisingly I was able to do it with a lickEmoji


There were things I wanted to eat on the limited time menu but, it was autumn like flavors so I feel like I’d want to go to autumn againEmoji


Without realizing it, it was my first time going out with Ogata-chanEmojiEmoji


There was still time so we went to Omotesandou’s 『DARS BRAND SHOP』 too… the inside of the store was so cuteEmoji
Limited chocolate as a gift for my little bro-chanEmoji
I’ll be dividing a bit of it among the members tooーEmoji




Tomorrow is Hello!Con Fukuoka!!
At Fukuoka Sunpalace Hotel & Hall it’s DANCE MODEEmoji


Please cheer for u\(•°□°•)/s♪



Tomorrow seems like the wind will be strong and cold too.
Everyone please be careful kay.






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Posted in Fukumura Mizuki Blog.

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