English?!☆ Fukumura Mizuki

2015-09-17 22:57:29
Theme:Fukumura Mizuki


Konban po(*´∀`*)ノnEmoji


Today Oda Sakura-chan, Nonaka Miki-chan and I, the there of us,
got to attend 『J-MELO』’s 10th Anniversary Rush In Interview MeetEmoji


We Morning Musume。’15 get to appear on the program as part of 「Team J-MELO」Emoji


Though this program we’re able to feel the connection between the world and Morning Musume。 a lotEmoji


Feeling like from here on too I want to challenge lots of things, and I want to deliver Japanese culture to the worldEmoji



In that, Morning Musume。’15 is
planned to sing the opening theme song from OctoberEmoji


The title is 『One and Only』EmojiEmojiEmoji



Well……the whole thing is in English!!!


Seeing the lyric card the whle thing was EnglishEmojiEmoji
All the members were surprisedEmoji


Listening to the song over and over
Asking Nonaka-chan and Mom about the English I don’t understand…
Like what kind of pronounciation is “th”?ーEmoji



2013’s October ending theme song
Everyone throughout the world with Tsunku♂san
made the fantastic song, 「What is LOVE?」
Even now, at Morning Musume。 LIVEs it’s a song that gets us fired up, I love it.


I to hear 「One and Only」 soon tooEmoji


To properly deliver the lyrics to fans worldwide I need to practice prounouncation a lot too!EmojiEmoji
Nonaka-sensei! I’m relying on youEmojiEmoji



And being done 10/8
『Live to the World 2015~J-MELO 10th Anniversary~』, we get to appear on that tooEmojiEmojiEmoji


And well… That’s where 「One and Only」
will be shown for the first timeビックリマークビックリマークビックリマーク


DokiDokiDoki heart-poundingドキドキ


Event details


Ticket sales


Everyone, by all means please come and hang out kay音譜





Coming home Papa and Mama
were talking, “Macho is ○△…”


Wondering what they were talking about
they said it was one of the Kanira’s nicknames!Emoji


A crab being Macho…EmojiEmoji


Mama said, “It’s because of the crab claw~”EmojiEmoji



Crab claw… stop talking about it that wayーー‼︎


Cause they’re scissors…EmojiEmoji






(Ameblo Original URL)

Posted in Fukumura Mizuki Blog.

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