Galaxy Kaidou Iikubo Haruna

2015-10-25 17:23:07
Theme:Iikubo Haruna







Last night…




With everyone we went to eat yummy, Hokkaido ishikari nabe stew~爆笑ラブラブラブラブラブラブ










※Maー went home to her home area so she’s not there





The tables, with so many people, it’s split in two~!!



pointlessly taking vids with our phones,


Maria-chan and Nonaka-chan doing comedian jokes


It was really bustling, and fun (*^^*)



Nothing but laughing~爆笑



Getting to have fun and eat yummy foods, it was a joy~チューラブラブラブラブラブラブ











Today, coming home from Hokkaido


I went on a movie date with Maria-chan~おねがいラブラブ



Mitani Kouki’s script・director piece


『Galaxy Kaidou』[tl: Galaxy Highway]キラキラキラキラキラキラ



It was really packed, I wonder why~? Thinking about it, today was Sunday that’s why huhー(*^◯^*)!



Sunday so, middle schooler Maria-chan could go out 音符




Reallーーーーーーy! It was funny!!


I was laughing the whole time爆笑爆笑爆笑


Endou Kenichi-san is so awesome(*^^*)!
Nishikawa Takanori-san was funny!!



When we finished watching the movie, I was enveloped in this sense like I couldn’t feel things for a bit and at the same time, I really wanted to eat a hamburgerハンバーガーハンバーガーハンバーガー



Everytime I’m watching a movie I’m eating popcorn but, for some reason Maria-chan bought some for meびっくり


Maria-chan, thank you~照れ


The two of us split it together and ate(*^^*)ラブラブ







Ah, before the movie we had lunch too ウインク















Freshly cooked gyuutan, it was very yummy *(^o^)/*



Just like you’d get from looking at the picture, today was totally no-make up真顔


And so, I walked around dragging my carry case with my jersey and shoes, and all that in it so,


even though we didn’t do a concert, my body was KutaKuta exhausted~(lol)




Today I’m gonna get on the futon early~照れ




Fashion Coordinate App


キラキラWEAR キラキラ











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Posted in Iikubo Haruna Blog.

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