Kono Oto Tomare! Iikubo Haruna

2016-02-04 23:07:45
Theme:Iikubo Haruna






Today on Ameba-san’s show, 「BLOG ON AIR」, Ogata Haruna-chan and I, the 2 of us got to appear live~おねがいキラキラ



The MC was Hamakaーn-sanキラキラ



Hamakaーn-san’s jokes, I just love them!





I put up a blog this afternoon but, that was a mission during the show you know~( ^ω^ )!



Put up a blog in 3 minutes!


I did that challenge but, of course it was hard!
It became an incomplete blog, I didn’t have time to put up the WEAR things笑い泣き




In front of the Harajuku studio, lots of fans had come, and that made me happyラブラブラブラブ


There were lots who said, “I watched on the app!” too, that makes me happyーーーラブラブラブラブ


While you were all busy, thank you so much!!



At the very end of the show, we exchanged messages with Hamakaーn-sanニコニコ


I’ll show that here!









Passing through W-Asano, W-Haruna will do our best!流れ星





There was another different job at night but, until that there was quite some time so


I went to a personal Kkto lessonおねがいキラキラ



Right now from Kuduー I’m borrowing 『Kono Oto Tomare!』[tl: Stop This Noise!] a manga depicting a Koto music club (Koto club life) but,


When I was in elementary school I had done a little bit of the koto so it felt nostalgic and made me want to do it again照れ



Kono Oto Tomare!, it’s really funny!!



Today’s personal lesson was just 30 minutes so it went in a flash but, I got to touch a koto for the first time in a while that made me happy~ It was fun~ラブラブラブラブラブ



Sakura, it’s my koto practice song!



I can strum Sakura so, someday it’d be great if I could show it in front of all the fans huh~照れ










It released tonight!





Girl’s Gathering is the theme!ラブ



Natsuyaki-san is the MC, Ayumin and I get to come in as guests~ピンクハートピンクハートピンクハート



It has an Ahaha Uhuhu atmosphere(?) by all means please watch it kayーーーー照れハート




Fashion Coordinate App


キラキラWEAR キラキラ









(Ameblo Original URL)

Posted in Iikubo Haruna Blog.

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