Energy Times 100☆ Fukumura Mizuki

2016-11-03 22:57:49
Theme:Fukumura Mizuki


Konban po(*´∀`*)ノnEmoji


Today was concerts in Pacifico YokohamaEmoji


The space with reallーy lots of all you fans around us…… It was nervous & funEmojiEmoji


Actually without losing the echoes from yesterday’s event, I couldn’t get any sleep…!


But today too it was energy times 100 you knowーEmojiEmoji


Concert power is amazingEmoji
It’s fun!!!



Even those they had just started the other day already the tour’s in it’s second half…


When using the words 「Just this much left」
It gradually gets feeling more lonely


Going through this tour, it fills me with pride
Now we’re like this! I want to bring that out



I wonder how many were there at the concert today for the first timeー?


There’s songs knowing for the first time in this concert for some too


The images and impressiogns of the songs when they’re first heard, suddenly they’d be lyrics that you’d get into yourself, there being words you like wouldn’t that make you happy?


Those of you with interest in the current Morning Musume。’16 coming to the concert makes me happyEmojiEmoji


The second half of the ’16 fall tour
By all means I want you to come hang out at the MY VISION concertsEmojiEmoji


For that too, even more and more
We have to spread out, Piyoーーーーーn!Emoji


Everyone who attended
Thank you so very much (*´Д`*)ノ))





The Harunan callチューリップ黄ハチ
Harunan’s last concert being 21, it was really fun huh


Yellow, it’s a kind color huh
Ah! It’s honey color huhEmojiEmoji
Haruna’s last concert being 21 was really fun huhEmojiEmoji


The Pacifico Yokohama’s wiーde venue
it was like a starry sky, pretty, and fantasticEmoji





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Posted in Fukumura Mizuki Blog.

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