I Like Sazae Iikubo Haruna

2017-09-03 22:50:15


Theme:Iikubo Haruna








Lately it’s gotten completely cold huh (*^◯^*)


We’ve gotten into September


and today I was wearing a big hoodie, a fleece one.




I absolutely like fall winter clothes huhー, wearing them and looking at them (*´◒`*)
And so it getting cold made me UkiUki cheery☆



I wear blouses and shirts a lot, andu p to now, I havent’ been wearing too much Tshirts but,
summer this year I thought to challenge myself to wearing Tshirts so I bought many.



But in the end, with each one I wore them just 2〜3 times〜




And so, it kinda felt like a waste










At rehearsal wearing them bring my mood up ✌︎(‘ω’)✌︎





From today the fall tour rehearsals have started!


For opening day we’re progressing favorably so, I feel like we should be able to do pretty fulfilling rehearsals with this feel (*´◒`*)



In ways to charm and express myself, I want to get good at it.
Dance too of course but,I want to get good at singing.



Steady progress.
From opening day I feel like I want to show my very best







Changing topics,
With August ending, I ate sazae♪












It’s so big I haven’t seen it this size before!



The other day, at my grandma-chan’s shop they were holding a birthday party for a relative,


As a request for what they wanted to eat, they asked for sazae, and they prepared this big sazae I hadn’t seen before!


They brought the ingredients and prepared it for me ✌︎(‘ω’)✌︎



I, I love sazae…♡



But I rarely eat it so, eating sazae for the first time in a long time really got me excited!


The part where I’m excited, I got taken in the picture so … it’s unbecoming but I’ll allow it…_(:3 」∠)_




Sazae being my favorite dish… it’s innocently charming right?? lol


Well… the strength of that visual, is charming…


the shoyu that remains in the shell too… I like it… lol




Everyone, is there a food you rarely eat that makes you excited (*´◒`*)?









Tomorrow is an early wake up so tonight I’ll properly sleep earlyーーー!





For today’s clothes, I’ll put up a big hooide♪
Look at it KAYーーーーーーー(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡




Fashion Coordinate App
EmojiEmojiWEAR EmojiEmoji









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Posted in Iikubo Haruna Blog.

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