Every Day Joy!!

2019-11-26 12:40:11




It’s been 5 years since I graduated Morning Musume。
And 3 years since I announced my return


that much time has passed!!!!!





5 years ago today
3 years ago today



I always recall it clearly!!






And now


It’s every day joy!!!!!



There being people who say they live my stuff
Being in a space with all of you, getting to do the singing and dancing I love
Mmhmm it’s joy 💓



There are times when we can’t see each other much too
And I recall everyone’s faces
I can feel like, I gotta do my best!!



And the moment I got to see you all I get really happy
The negative feelings of the days and stuff all just go away! It’s amazing!!
I’m always trying allーkindas of solutions for breaking off from the negative feelings but
meeting everyone it’s a one shot!!!
Really amazing!!!!





It’s like everyone is there for me
and so I should be there for everyone too


To be that I’ll do my best even more!!




Really, thank you alwaysハートハートハート









For this blog yah,
I wonder what pictures I should put up
I worried about it…


I looked back at the pictures from my time in Morning Musume。
I looked back at pictures during my break
I did all kinds of things but


For the blog I want to put up pictures from now yah〜
That’s how I feel!


But pictures from now are full of pictures I can’t put up!!
That said, I have lots of like versions that are slightly different poses of the same situation as pictures I’ve put up so


Mm〜 I want it to be fresh〜


That’s it.


It’s offshots from places I haven’t put up yet イエローハート(Such a long explanation
From waist up上矢印ハート




Full body上矢印ハート





Everyone’s beloved self shot上矢印ハート




How is it?
Does it have a fresh feel?? lol💦




By the way this
It’s an off shot from the A-shot photoshoot for the refresh this year!



How is this Aーshots???
Do you like it???
For me it’s one of my favoritesーー!!キラキラキラキラキラキラ





It might have a fresh feel but…
I’ll put up more of the like versions that are slightly different poses of the same situation as pictures I’ve put up later kay照れ






From here on
please continue to give me your supportリボン口紅ハイヒールダイヤモンド鏡ポーチハート








(Ameblo Original URL)

Posted in Michishige Sayumi Blog, Sayu Ameblo.

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