2022-03-20 07:21:05
Good Morning 💗
Yesterday, 3/19 was,
The 5th anniversary of my rebirth! and so,
I did an instalive
5th anniversary pose “


On the instalive,
I made ✨✨
☆Sayumi Salad☆🥗
The wieners, I fried at home

On my rebirth 5th anniversary day,
it was through an instalive but
I’m really happy I got to interact with everyone!!!
It was my first instalive in a while so I was just a little bit nervous though lol
Of course it was fun, I like it you know
I wonder what I’ll do next time
What do you want me to do, got anything like that
I’m thinking of all kinds of things too
For the Sayumi Salad leftovers,
I put it in the bentou box I brought the wieners in and brought it home

Of course, Sayumi Salad is really delicious 🥗✨
The person who thought it up, genius!!!! lol
And and
The bear apron is cute, it’s a favorite 🐻✨

I loーーーve the bear pattern 🧸💓
I’m totally in a bear boom❣️❣️❣️

In the mirror,
Sayumi Salad’s reflecting😆😆😂🥗

I did this pattern too↓🐰

SNIDEL BEAUTY-san’s Eye Shadow

The 5th anniversary of my rebirth…
Really it’s gone by in a flash ☺️
I talked about it on the instalive too but…
All kinds of things happened in these 5 years but,
No matter what happened what didn’t change is my feelings that I love singing and dancing 💓
I’m bad at it but you know, that won’t change either lol
And, all of you fans are here, that hasn’t changed. Cause you haven’t change and are still strange people.
That makes me the most happy. Really happy…☺️☺️💗 Thank you so much always!
5 years ago I got to do SAYUMINGLANDOLL,
5 years late even now, I’m preparing for SAYUMINGLANDOLL series’ 5th entry…💓
I’m so delighted
The space known as SAYUMINGLANDOLL is what I love most in the world so I’m really looking forward to May ☺️💝
For always supporting me, thank you ✨
For my 6th year too, please give me your support

Michishige Sayumi