Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time

Date Then Answers.

2014-04-03 00:40:44




I went on a date with Akane yon.









I like MIIAー. I doー.




The rate I hang out with Akane is high ♡


She really calmes me down sa♡ sa♡



Well then, replies. Thanks for lots of questions.



♧ Are there any plans for you to join in the second coming of Dream Morning Musume。?


Please join them



♣ There aren’t any plans for itー.


♧ I’m a guy but I can sing Irropoi Jirettai in the original song key but, even for a girl is the range for this song high?


♣ Oー! That’s amazing.
I feel like for a girl it isn’t that high. It depends on the person though.
But for a guy to be able to sing it, that’s amazing.


♧ I want to be cute like Gakisan♪
 You fixations with your make-up, or items, if you tell us about things like that I’ll be happy


♣ Thanks. With make-up you go with the feeling based on the season but, for spring I’m playing around with pink KiraKira sparkly shadow… I recommend LUNASOL shadow (^.^)♡



♧ Recently my smartphone got submerged and wrecked, I’m back to a Japanese feature phone but, when Gakisan sees someone using a Japanese feature phone, do you think they’re behind?(>_<)




♣ Nah, I think whatever you can use easily is bestー.



♧ Since yesterday I started a new life as a new company worker.
I’m doing lots, and I need to study up on a lot, it’s very hard for someone like me who loves sleeping. What can I do be able to do my best? Gakisan, when you’re having a hard time what do you do to get through it? Please tell me (._.)



♣ Congratulations for being a new company workerー.
Maybe try making a reward day?♡
If I just do my best with this, then on this day off I can just sleep however long I wantーー! like that♡
I think it’s hard but do your best kay



♧ Gakisan has a reputation for her naming sense, if you were to give a nickname to Oda Sakura-chan, what kind of nickname would you give her?


♣ Kurarin



♧ For your next Solo live in September, can you sing the song from the Shinsei Kamattchan MV you appeared in 「Front Memory」? By all means I want to try hearing Gakisan’s voice with that♪


♣ Thankーyou.
I’ll think about it so that we can give a live with songs included that everyone can enjoy!



♧ Gakisan it’ll be 2 years since you graduated soon.


With the songs that have come out fro Morning Musume。 since your graduation, is there a song you’d want to try singing next live?


♣ Kimi Saw Ireba Nani mo Iranai



♧ What is a brand of clothes you like?


♣ 2%TOKYO、MIIA、EMODA. Stuff like that



♧ You have a solo live in September but


Are you getting ready the songs you want to sing and setlist image and stuff like that?


♣ I still have to do that after this.
I’m going to make a fired up, fun LIVE!!







(Ameblo Original URL)

Delightful DAY

2014-04-02 21:56:35


Today was, Morning Musume。’14’s country-wide simultaneous handshake eventドキドキ


For Sayumi,
I did the handshake event in Ishikawa prefecture Kanazawa city~音譜音譜



everyone who waited for me[みんな:01]
everyone who came[みんな:02]



thank you so muchアップアップアップ



Lots of you gathered,
I’m grateful grateful[みんな:10][みんな:11][みんな:12]



The moment Sayumi went to the handshake event area,
everyone went,、





you all saying that made me happy…ラブラブ


They did their best listening to the talk too, thanksドキドキ



The outfit for the handshake event, felt like this~[みんな:03][みんな:04][みんな:05]






The hairstyle was a ponytail[みんな:06]


The hair accessory,
this blue and read check patterned ribbon[みんな:09]


It was veーry cute, it’s become one of my favorites[みんな:07][みんな:08]




The handshake event, was very fun~ニコニコ



Thank you so much for all the warn words[みんな:13][みんな:14]




and girlsドキドキ


and, even little kids came for meドキドキ


Happiness, thank youラブラブ音譜




Today, in Kanazawa,


I got meet with, connect with lots of you,
and talk leisurely,
it really made me happyアップ



Well then, lastly….



I got lunch….





Seafood bowl!!!!!!









isn’t it amaaaaazing??キラキラ


It’s jutting out from the bowl!!!! lol


It’s so wonderful[みんな:15][みんな:16][みんな:17][みんな:18]


There’s 18 kinds of fish in it~[みんな:19]


it was really very yummyドキドキドキドキ


Today, it was fun, it was yummy, it was Sayumi’s delightーーー[みんな:20][みんな:21][みんな:22]



Everyone in Kanazawa,


everyone who around all the time,


thank you so muchーーー[みんな:23][みんな:24][みんな:25]


Today, I wanted to go but I couldn’tーーーーしょぼん
to those people too,
next time you have a chance please come by all meansラブラブラブラブラブラブラブラブ




(Ameblo Original URL)

Takiiing Questions

2014-04-02 09:30:07


With a nostalgic picture
Good Morning (^.^)







I’m gonna do some for the first time in awhile.


A Question Corner.



Well, those of you with questions, go aheadEmoji



I’ll answer just the ones I can.



The deadline, I’ll take them by the end of the day.



(Ameblo Original URL)


2014-04-02 07:33:19





From now, I’m going to Ishikawa prefecture~[みんな:02][みんな:03]



The handshake event is at the Ishikawa prefectureドキドキ



[みんな:06]Tower Records Kanazawa FORUS store[みんな:05]



Today, 4/2 (Weds) 17:00~[みんな:06]


[みんな:07]Kanazawa FORUS 6F KUUGO Square[みんな:08]


Ishikawa prefecture, Kanazawa city, Horikawashin Town Number 3-1 Kanazawa FORUS 4F



By all means, please come kay[みんな:09][みんな:10]




First off, before the handshake event, there are on-locations in Ishikawa prefecture so, I’m going to have fun[みんな:11][みんな:12]


Is there any recommended things in Ishikawa prefectureー?


Yummy things or yummy things~[みんな:13][みんな:14][みんな:15][みんな:16][みんな:17]



(Ameblo Original URL)

Unchanging Girl♪

2014-04-01 23:29:47


Good Eveningーーアップアップラブラブ



Today was April Fools’ huh!


Everyone, what lies have you told??



had tottttally forgotten about April Fools’.








When I saw this girl’s blog


I remembered[みんな:04]




Sayumi’s gen mateドキドキ


Tanaka Reina-chaーn[みんな:01][みんな:02][みんな:03]



Taken on HinaFes! Day[みんな:05]


Reina’s 『Announcement.』 titled blog,



For a moment,


I went, “EH!!!!!”


but then,


Aa!!!!!Is it April Fools’!!!!!


I was relieved (lol)



But, if it’s Reina there’s the possibility that it’s not a lie and what she says seems serious too so it was a bit DokiDoki heartpounding you know… lol[みんな:06]



For Reina,
we met at HinaFes and,
well it was kinda
the first time in awhile but,



Reina toooooootttally!!!



hasn’t changed at all, it’s impressive目目


I thought that watching NHK’s Morning Musume。55 Special! too and,


Reina hasn’t changed at all since way back when!!!!!!



I feel like her professionalism is considerably high[みんな:07]


She has my respect[みんな:08][みんな:09]



Maybe Sayumi should copy Reina and eat dried fruitsひらめき電球 lol



(Ameblo Original URL)