

Earlier, Sayumi was saying some pessimistic stuff,
please excuse me for that。


So for those unpleasant feelings I gave,
I’m really sorry m(__)m


I’m reading everyone’s comments now。
There so full of warmth, thank you so much!
Sayumi is very blessed (^O^)


And so,
I’ve decided!


The conclusion!
I’m not gonna give up♪♪♪♪♪♪
I’m gonna have fun♪♪♪♪♪


The two together are gonna be difficult,
but I’ll do my best(*^o^*)


“Because I love the concerts, Sayumi!”
Sayumi loves Morning Musume’s concerts too (≧∇≦)


Everyone that comes to the concerts,
and everyone that comes to help out,
it reassures us,
and it’s a job we enjoy,
that’s why I love concerts♪


Thinking like that is fun♪


I haven’t updated a lot since this afternoon(;_;)


I’ll update so much more from now on!


It’s the day before the tour but,
at night, I’m not gonna sleep~! (^_-)(lol)


Well, I’ll take it easy to keep up my strength。 (lol)



Morning Musume




Costume rehearsal is done。


In the meeting after, lots of people
talked about a lot of different things。
The dance instructor cried。
We made him cry。


What the instructor talked about,
I totally understood。
All of us were perfect。


Lately I’ve been very selfish。
I wanted to say something
but, it’s not like I didn’t know how,
or that I lost my nerve,
but that I faked being so cool about it。


And since that was the last rehearsal,
I thought I could say it。


The instructor said,
I saw a lot that Sayumi had to do。
Then everyone discussed it。


But I really can’t tell you what I thought。
I knew about what they said,
but I can’t fix it。


I’m not trying to be blunt…
it’s just that I don’t know how to fix it。


should I go all out and keep getting tired,
or just give up and start having fun,
which one should I choose?


I don’t know。


It wouldn’t be good to give up,
and it’s important that
Sayumi doesn’t want to。


But having some good feelings and
being positive is number one I think。


I really don’t understand。


I’m wondering which one I should do,
why is it, that there’s not just
one thing that’s important,
at any rate, I have to choose,
but I don’t know which。


But no matter how much I worry
tomorrow is coming。
Tomorrow starts Morning Musume’s
spring tour。


I’m just one person in Morning Musume。
There’s 8 people in Morning Musume。


I know that it’s not just me。
8 people make the group。


Tomorrow, to those that are coming,
we’re gonna have such awesome fun!


from Morning Musume,
and from Morning Musume’s Michishige Sayumi
yoroshiku onegaishimasu。




The magazine 『R25』…


A magazine that’s in the station!!


Definitely take a look!


A girl that Sayumi loves is featured in it~


Who could it be。

Who could it be。。


Kamei Eri!


She’s not pokepoke in it (lol)
She looks really nice and cute(≧∇≦)♪♪








Until a little after luchtime, it was continuous rehearsal!


I was so hungry I thought I would collapse...(lol)


Right now, I’m having some hamburger steak.


And then, dress rehearsal..


Looks like I have no choice but to do my best,
so I will.


See ya.









Good morning!!


Today is the final rehearsal and tomorrow starts
Morning Musume’s spring tour!!


Once again, I wore the same costumes
in our dress rehearsal as the actual performance(^o^)/♪


So~ today’s happenings need a
extra special explanation,
this morning, I actually slept twice p(´⌒`q)
what’s more, my alarm didn’t ring (;_;)
my alarm is playing hooky it seems…
I’ve depended on it for so long~ (≧ヘ≦)


But, my mom woke me up↑


Yep, the one thing I can
truly depend on, my parents!!!!!


From here on out, yoroshiku onegaishimasu 八(´∀`*)




At Mittsi’s house,
I said bye bye to Mittsi,
and since I’ve been home
I’ve done nothing but space out。。


Seems like I’m an idiot…
Why is that? Why do I have that feeling?


From the day after next, Morning Musume
starts it’s spring tour,
and tomorrow is the final rehearsal review!


This is not the time to
start feeling like a idiot!!


I’ll start studying the last dress rehearsal(≧∇≦)


Everyone, please come to the concert!
Has everyone heard our latest album 『⑩MYME』
that was released yesterday?
Since you guys sing it at the concerts
you guys should study too (^_-)♪


Even if you guys don’t have plans to come,
I’d really like everyone to see it。。
I’ll say it’s my wish, to come to the concert okay。。




‘kay did you guys decide to come?!
Everybody~ you’re weak under pressure aren’t you♪


it’s gonna be fun to see you guys♪~θ(^0^)。






Right after dinner,
we went straight to Aika’s house♪


It’s the first time I’ve stepped foot inside (≧∇≦)


We played video games together and watched TV together,
and warmed up under the heater,


it was super fun♪


Then, on one of the purikura sheets
we did some rakugaki,
and under my picture
I wrote 『Date』 but I wasn’t sure of
the spelling and I was so uneasy,
so I wrote the yomigana
underneath it (Laugh)


I asked Aika-chan if I spelled it right
and she said it was correct
and thought I didn’t have to write
the yomigana underneath.


If I didn’t write the yomigana
then I would have looked more intellectual,
and I would have had confidence in my English.
So, this was Michishige Sayumi who
now regrets she wrote the yomigana underneath!






Before dinner, we took some purikura♪


Purikura, it’s certainly been a long time~(^_^)v


For these purikura, we were super cute when we took them↑


Even though Sayumi has no make-up, I’m still too cute right? (Laugh)


Even though I was cute since I was born, in these purikura I’m exploding with cuteness! (Laugh)


So next time, I think I’ll do some “bunny-ness!” (Laugh)























Aika vs. Shrimp


For dinner, I took Mittsi to a popular Hawaiian restaurant♪♪


The pasta noodles were deep-fried so they were super delicious(≧∇≦)
I’m so loving them♪


she got so frantic trying to peel the shrimp (Laugh)


That Aika is a classic shot☆


“I peeled them-!” and I had a great shot of Aika♪


So delicious♪♪


Oh, and for the bill,
I was the perfect sempai and treated her!
So be relieved (Laugh)





My date☆


I’m on a date with Mittsi, Mitsui Aika-chan♪


We’ve been on a date since earlier this evening(≧∇≦)


she pulled me out of the way of this car,
and she decided on what to do on the date,
it’s been super fun~\(^ー ^)/


First we went and got some ice cream~~!


Aika’s treat (Laugh)


It’s okay though!
Dinner will be on sempai Sayumi!! (Laugh)