

I finished recording 『Mezamashi Doyoubi』’s
『Torimeshi』 part \(^ー^)/


I actually cooked!


Sayumi made her specialty!


But you know,
it’s been over a year
since I’ve done any real cooking
except stir-fry,
so I wasn’t used to doing it (>_<)


But I cooked as hard as I could (≧∇≦)


On top of that, it came out pretty good
so I was quite happy o(^-^)o


Since Sayumi has no self-confidence in cooking,
I was so nervous when I was doing it but,
since Sayumi has confidence in her appetite,
when it was time to eat, Sayumi went all out (lol)


It’s on this Saturday 3/27



All members gathered


Waratte Ii tomo!


After it was done, all of us took pics♪


Everyone happily participated (*^o^*)


From us eight members
of Morning Musume,
yoroshiku onegaishimasu♪


Well, right now Sayumi
recording a TV show☆
In the show
『Mezamashi Doyoubi』
I’m recording the
『Torimeshi』 part♪


I’m cooking!


Sayumi is! (lol)


Cuz, in the kitchen, all Sayumi does
is stove and microwave! (lol)


1000 watt!!






Ii tomo!


Waratte Ii tomo!
Telephone Shocking


I was nervous~~(@゜▽゜@)


To everyone who watched, thank you!


『Waratte Ii tomo!』
is a show that my whole family watches,
so it was kinda weird to see myself on it


Really amazing


I think my grandpa and grandma back in Yamaguchi were happy
to watch it (^O^)


Since I want to be asked on the show again,
I’ll polish up more and do my best again♪


My cuteness (≧∇≦) (lol)



Live broadcast


Today ♪♪♪


Waratte Ii Tomo!
Telephone Shocking


All eight members of Morning Musume
will be on it!!


I’m reaaally happy but
I’m reaaally nervous too (・_・;)


But it’s okay to be like that.


Even though I was nervous,
I wasn’t all like
“Ah, what should I do?”


At that time,
the only feeling I had was
“This is so much fun” (*^o^*)






At the end,
when I ordered dessert,


I only orderded one ice cream,
but two came instead V(^-^)V


When I asked the server about it,
is what he said!


Yay~ \(^ー^)/


For doing my very best all three days,
the gods must have given me
a reward♪♪


Yahoo (^∀^)ノ


… is my greedy way of showing how
thankful I am (≧∇≦)



Eri from beginning to end


(1st pic)
Yesterday, from beginning to end,
Kamei Eri was having so much fun
and smiling the whole time。


Usually she’s just
playfully smiling but,


yesterday her energy was so high,
she was smiling kinda sexily↑ (lol)


(2nd pic)
Halfway through, Kamei Eri
began sleeping in
Sayumi’s lap。


Yep, Eri always
seems to want
to sleep。






Good morning~♪


After the concert yesterday,


in Tokyo, we said
for the three-days-straight shows
then Morning Musume’s
Niigaki Risa-chan,
Kamei Eri-chan,
and myself all went to eat together (≧∇≦)


And since the three of us are all just over 20,
we asked for some drinks for our first toast (^_^)v


Adults V(^-^)V


During the live our energy is at MAX,
and since we’re so hot, we need to unwind o(`▽´)o♪♪


It was fun o(^-^)o


I wanted to blog in real time but at the restaurant
I didn’t have any reception。


Along with GakiKame-san, the three of us try to
go out to eat at least once a month (^_-)♪


“Ah, but we have concert rehearsals
and live concerts this month, and we’re
going to Hawaii at the end so maybe this
month is impossible”
is what we said but,
the three of us fulfilled our plans♪


Even though it was a short time,
our stomachs and our hearts were
satisfied (≧∇≦)


This pic was taken when we were finishing
and when I looked at it
I thought,
『Wow, the three of us look awesome together,
we look like we’re really good friends』


Gaki-san said,
『We sure do~』
Kame-san said,
『Eh, I had my
eyes open~』


Gaki-san and Sayumi had a dare to keep
our eyes shut while it was being taken!
it was like we wanted her to keep her eyes open


Yep, seems like Eri always wants
to sleep! (lol)



Tokyo Kousei Nenkin Kaikan


Today marks the third day,
of Morning Musume’s concert at
this concert hall,
『Tokyo Kousei Nenkin Kaikan』


For Morning Musume,
and for Sayumi herself,


there’s a lot of memories here。


Until the end,
I’m happy standing on
this stage,
and I’m grateful for
everything (*^o^*)


As I stand here today,
I don’t think I can leave
from it。


It will be lonely,
but there will be a
new place and a new
drive to do my best!


Everyday, all of us
are striving forward。


If there is a beginning
then there must be a end。


So then,
there must be another
new beginning!


To Tokyo Kousei Nenkin Kaikan,
thank you so very much!!!。










from the two cute ones,
to everyone out there,
we send out our “Happy” (≧∇≦)


Even though,


the super cheerful
borrowed LinLin’s
bunny ears…


some things never change…


I felt really relaxed♪


When I see that innocent
bunny-eared Ishikawa-san,
Sayumi has that Happy feeling♪。

