Day Off Make-up Iikubo Haruna

2017-06-14 21:37:25
Theme:Iikubo Haruna






Today’s also a day off



And so, it’s day off make-up (*^^*)









For a day off, it’s difficult so I don’t draw the eyeline.
Or saying the difference, my eyeline looks a duller though huh! lol




Iーkubo-san lately, is going for orange make-up♪



What I’m using is NATURE REPUBLIC (ネイチャーリパブリック)’s


Orange color shadow stick (04)
Glossy lip (03)


That’s it (*´꒳`*)




With this shadow stick, I make before my eyebrows orange too, and in addition I’m doing it for my eyebrows too.


for my cheeks you know, I always do an inverted triangle below by meyes but I tried putting it on towards the center of my cheekbones (*´꒳`*)



This summer I intend to go with orange make-up〜☆






The place I headed towards after doing that kind of make-up is…



Animate♡ lol lol



For today, I went with a friend!
The one who told me about Yuri (*´꒳`*) Huhu
I always go alone so, it was time I went to Animate with a friend!



I got that we might each have mange we’re aiming for on the floor so, we went in with a Baーm, bought with a Baーm, and were finished in only 10 minutes. lol lol



With points I GOT a HoriMiya clear file too〜〜(*´◒`*)♡



(But after that because of the manga I bought, I got 4 more points so, I got it wrong and got a B6 notecard …_(:3 」∠)_)←



My friend had work so we were just together for 2 hours but, it was very fun (*´꒳`*)!!






Speaking of friends…


Today is my beloーーーーーved Nanba Shiho-san’s birthday♡!!









Shiho-san, Happy Birthdayーーー!



I see her just about every month so, I have lots of pictures and memories with Shiho-san♡



Shiho-san is just a big sister by 1 but, she knows lots of things, she’s really mature (*´-`)


And so, it’s easily to talk about various things, being together is calming〜〜!



We haven’t been able to see each other for a while so, I’m on a shortage of Shiho-san (´;ω;`)


This summe rI’m going to get busy so, if we could meet before that happens it’d be great huh…!



Shiho-san, I hope you have a fantastic birthdayーーーー








I’m really blessed with the people around me.


The friends of this industry are alーーl easy to talk to and are soothing, all the people are…


And talking, you gain more new knowledge and stuff, and that next time I’ll talk with the other members about it, it’d be great to give it to them I think (*´꒳`*)


Cause if I don’t there won’t be any fresh things when we’re together yah!








Today’s Iikubo (Yakults) VS Ayumin (Rakuten),



It seems Yakults wonーー!!!


We did itーーー!!!(´;ω;`)





My WEAR followers broke through 240,000!
I did itーーー!!!
Thank you so much (´;ω;`)♡



Fashion Coordinate App
EmojiEmojiWEAR EmojiEmoji











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Posted in Iikubo Haruna Blog.

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