#HarunanDesireTour Iikubo Haruna

2018-11-27 22:11:21
Theme:Iikubo Haruna









The 2 day fanclub bus tour has finishedーーーー!!



All the fans who came, the guests who came, Morito Chiichan, Inoue ReiRei, MC Suzuki Keita-san, all the staff,


Really, thank you so much (*´◒`*)!!










Here’s a picture from yesterday!





A really deep 2 days.
I don’t know what point I should write about… coming home I’ve been totally enveloped in the lingering memories.


Lots of laughing and lots of crying,


Lover in lots of kindness and love, I’m feeling filled with joy!



This time with the things I did this bus tour, the number one thing I wanted to treasure was communication with all the fans.
I want to meet lots of you, I want to talk lots, I wanted to spend a long time in the same space.
I’m truly grateful to the staff-san who made the various things I thought up come true.


Lots of presents from thoes who came too, Haniーna and Haniーnya adorn things
And combined acrylic goods that I selfishly had wished for! Self-made!
And my member color form a long time(⁉︎)Tshirts too(*゚∀゚*)
The chocolate color for just then! It’s special〜!











Today we even got to be princesses in Nikko Edomura [tl aka: Edo Wonderland] 〜!!




Oh no really yah, I don’t know from what point I should write from. It’s deep. Rich. Special Rich.
And so the topic gotten all over yah…


I thnk I’ll do memorable pictures and with it a steady look back later.





In any case what I want to convey is, my feelings of thanks.


Really, I’m glad I have all of you, all my fans!
I’m gllad you’re people who are like 120% kindness!


Kind people who understand me. More than anything for the desired words you gave me, thank you so much.


I say it over and over again but, I love you all for eternity!




Today please rest peacefully kay!


Fashion Coordinate App
EmojiEmojiWEAR EmojiEmoji














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Posted in Iikubo Haruna Blog.

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