The Curtain Rises☆ Fukumura Mizuki

2019-03-16 23:17:13
Theme:Fukumura Mizuki




Konban po(*´∀`*)ノn星



We finally started…♪*゚


「Morning Musume。’19 Concert Tour Spring〜BEST WISHES!〜」


The opening day curtain rise〜音譜
For the lots of cheers and support, thank you so muchルンルン


The cheers unique to opening day
made me so happy yah流れ星


Plentiful 「Oooー!」 and
The kind that seems like it has the 「?」 mark on them 「Oo?」 lol


Just even OOoOー has variation yah 笑い泣き


Opening days always get me nervous but
today too of course but
today was different than usual.


That sense of tension, it was a tension with the trust of the members!!!!. It seemed something like that♪



This is a story from the night performance but
three cheers for what I saidキラキラ


At the time I felt like I got a lol lol~ kind of reaction but
We members were all UruUru teary eyedぐすん


It felt like it seemed precious you know? That feeling made me happy


Like this you know, it’s something you could only feel in that moment
I feel like there’ll be lots of it from here.


That from today until the tours final day
with each performance, I want to feel the feelings in those places you know!!!




As the opening act and challenging act was participation by all of Kobushi Factory♪
we get to see them tomorrow too yah♪


Hamachan (Hamaura Ayano-chan)’s turbo story
Her changing outfits in back was really heartbeat skippingハート


Hachiouji 1st Dayキラキラ
Everyone thank you for your supportキラキラ
It was fun⸜(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⸝⋆*






Hello!Radio 「Fukumura no Heya」


Next guest is Haga Akane-chan!


Next episode’s corner is
「Solving troubles with a Kiraーn」
Please send us your troubles!


Deadline is 3/18 (Mon) 19:00!




It’s been updatedー!!!
ピンクハートBuzz by BuzzFeed 「Tonight is Thursday #ハロプロを推すと人生が豊かになる〜Hello!Member Edition〜」 Now distributing!
MC is Oshima Yukari-san (Free Announcer)
Oomori Seiko-san, Aribobo-san, Inuyama Kamiko-san


Yamaki Risa-chan, Fukumura Mizuki get to appear!





イエローハート3/23 (Sat) 21:00~
Fukumura Mizuki, Ishida Ayumi
Haga Akane, Yokoyama Reina get to appear♪♪♪











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Posted in Fukumura Mizuki Blog.

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