Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time




Good Eveningggg!!!



Today, in Hokkaido,
we had a concertー!



Maーchan’s hometown!


Tbe first shot, a picture with Maーchanー(* ̄∇ ̄*)


Hometown concerts, of course,
they’re great♪♪



Today, was the Hello!Concert, Final Day!



It became a really really fired up live〜!


was a special version, that said,


Really ,really,
The very last song, with all the members and fans,
I really felt united




I felt, again, soon,
I want to stand on stage with everyone! 。゜(゜´Д`゜)゜。



Once again I felt, Hello!Project is the best, yeah! (●´ー`●)



Everyone who came!
Everyone giving us support!


Truly, thank you so much!




Well, Hokkaido…..



After the liveeーー!!!!



Yumyum〜 food



The second and third shot, what I ate today!



It was the best〜((*’д’*)!



Hokkaido’s seafood, seriously! So good!!!



I ate so muchー!




it was yummy so,



Really, a delight



Good Night!


2013/9/1 01:20 (GREE)


2013-08-31 23:25:34




was the Hello!Pro Concerts,


Final Dayーーー[みんな:01][みんな:02][みんな:03]


The place, Hokkaidoビックリマーク







This isn’t something people say! huh[みんな:04]lol




For today’s final concert音譜


Yoshizawa Hitomi-san did the MC for usドキドキ


Giving a concert with a special version final show, I wonder how it went?キラキラ



For Sayumi, it was super~ fun[みんな:05][みんな:06]



Everyone who came!!!



Thank you so muchアップ




[みんな:08]Picture Memories of The Concert This Time[みんな:07]


SoreZoーre perforamnces opening outfit[みんな:09]



The accesories were aーllドキドキ
cute too[みんな:10]


Espeically the different color left and right earringsラブラブ they were one of my favorites[みんな:11]


And, the KiraKira sparkly necklace too[みんな:17]






The MazeKoーze performances opening outfits[みんな:14]
From the day I had straight hair~音譜




The day I had MakiMaki curled hair~音譜




With Kuduー, a two shot[みんな:15]
Morning Musume。’s youngest, oldest pair…[みんな:16]



The age difference is 9 years!!!!キラキラ


24 years old…
I’ll keep doing my best staying fresh[みんな:18][みんな:19][みんな:20]lol



I still have a little bit more pictures from the Hello!Pro concerts so, I’ll put them up again next time kay[みんな:39]




For the Hello!Pro Concerts this time,
We got to do them in seven major cities[みんな:21]




As Morning Musume。,


Being the 10 of us,


it was our first concerts,


[みんな:22] We are, the current Morning Musume。[みんな:23]


for that, we did our best to show us being cool[みんな:24]



From the other groups we got lots of good encouragement too[みんな:26]



Getting to do Hello!Pro Conceerts nation-wide in the seven major cities, I feel happy[みんな:25]



Hello!Pro’s heat, I wonder if we got that across~?アップ




The Summer Hello!Project Concerts!!



Everyone who came, truly
I thank you so much[みんな:27][みんな:28][みんな:29]











Hokkaido Seafood NOW[みんな:30][みんな:31][みんな:32][みんな:33][みんな:34][みんな:35]
The Best NOW[みんな:36][みんな:37][みんな:38]







(Ameblo Original URL)


2013-08-31 09:24:36


Good Morning[みんな:01]


Today is,


The Hello!Pro Concert final dayキラキラ



And wellアップ



we’re offーーーービックリマーク



to Hokkaido!!!!!!



Well how many years has it been Hokkaido!?!?!?



I’m super~ドキドキhappyラブラブ



When you say Hokkaido…



It’s Corn[みんな:02][みんな:03][みんな:04]
has that image too huh[みんな:05]




Just recently, I got some Hokkaido cornー[みんな:06][みんな:07][みんな:08]


From Hokkaido native,


Satou Maーchanーニコニコ
↑At the time, we were in transport sharing earphones listening to music together[みんな:09][みんな:10]



Maーchan, thaーnksドキドキドキドキドキドキ




“Iiiit’s Minishige-san annnd, Minishige-san’s Mom annnd, Minishige-san’s Big sis-chan’s portions,”



that said,
she gave me three[みんな:11]



The Minishige一 family got yummy stuffー[みんな:12][みんな:13]


it looked really very sweet,
like sweetsドキドキドキドキドキドキ


Hokkaido, it’s got lots of yummy things so,
getting to go there today well,
it’s WakuWakuu excitingーー[みんな:14]



for today’s Hello!Pro Concert Final Day,
It’s a special version, very WakuWakuu excitingーーー[みんな:15][みんな:16]



I’ll do my besst[みんな:17][みんな:18][みんな:19]


(Ameblo Original URL)

[News] Quick Update

Past couple days I’ve been locking my schedule in, so I’ve been running around and at home I’ve mostly been trying not to sleep while doing stuff. I’ll get Sayu’s stuff up to this point up within the next 24 hours (Already started on them) and Gaki stuff is still being done when work and/or homework doesn’t call.

Hang tight, Semesters starting are always rocky, just wanted to let everyone know I’m still here.

Update: Thanks guys! Sayu Up!

Self-shot Festival



Good Evening!!!



The first shot you know, the second one too,
It’s Sayumi this morning just after make-up〜(●´ー`●)



The third shot is, work aーll finished,
Sayumi at night ( *´艸`)




The third shot of Sayumi, she’s kinda BoroBoro worn out〜(lol)



Today was, hard all day but,
each jobm aーll of them
were fun



Tomorrow is,













It’s Hokkaido but well, how long has it been since I’ve got to go there?



I’m really looking forward to it☆



I wonder if I’ll get to eat yummy food (* ̄∇ ̄*)drool




For Hello!Pro Concerts too, tomorrow’s the last day so!!!!



So thatI don’t have any regrets!



I need to focus.


Focus and do my best!!!!



Please support me ヾ(´∀`○人●´∀`)ノ


2013/8/31 00:55 (GREE)