Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time

Aika blog "10days"

Since the first show, the concert tour has been one big hit after another,
but now we’re taking a little break (^o^)/
You guys are all probably tired too,
thanks for all the energy you’ve put into your legs (*^^*)
And again, thank you very much ♪

Just the other day, I went on a date with Junjun,
something we haven’t done in a while (^з)-☆
We went to a Korean place to have lunch
Junjun ordered spicy stuff again and she pretty much cleaned off the plate herself (^^ゞ
It was the most delicious thing ever! (≧▽≦*)/
And then… Junjun treated me to the meal (>_<)☆ Ahh I'm so embarrassed (~_~;)汗)) *汗 = sweat Thanks (^∀^)>☆☆

aika blog

After that we went shopping, and Junjun bought a lot of stuff ♪♪
After going shopping with her,
I’ve realized that our tastes in clothes are quite different (^^)(LOL)
She pretty much only bought track pants (^^*)
After a lot of shopping we went to a yogurt place to grab some frozen ice cream and donuts..
after that we went back to shopping again!!!!
The next time I go shopping ♪ I’m gonna go to a picture club
It was such a fun filled day ~(^o^)/☆★
The weather was also great the moment I stepped outside and continued when we were shopping
It was just what I needed (*^3^)

aika blog

Coming up this weekend is another concert, I’m pretty pumped up about it (^^)v

aika blog

You probably already know right?!!
Kusumi-san will also be participating in the bus tour this November (^^)v
Looks like it’s gonna be fun doesn’t it? (^з)-☆
As for Kusumi-san, this will be her last bus tour and FC tour…
so I hope it’ll be a bus tour thats super fun and forever embedded into everyone’s minds ~~☆☆

Risa Deco "Episode 2 Part 2"

I’m crafting right now~!!
Look look~!!!

gaki blog

I’m sparkling things up with these simple donut things ~(>∀<)☆☆
Also for the round 2 we have..!!

gaki blog

*thinking about how to praise this* ~~~
Last time I did a cool and stylish design, but this time… it’s like this ♪
I tried to go for a pretty feeling >∀<
For the girls who love sweets
Please look forward to it~

Aika blog "9days"

Finally, Morning Musume’s concert tour has started ~\(^o^)/☆
Even now I still forget how nerve-wrecking the opening day is (>_<)!!!! But... it looked like Kamei-san and Junjun were even more nervous than I was, so I was like "Everything will be alright!!" (^^) and kinda hid my nervousness (^^ゞ (lol) Also, on the first day there was the shocking announcement about Kusumi-san's graduation, Crazy wasn't it... (~_~;) But Kusumi-san had a very Kusumi-ish reply to all of this... at the concert hall she let out a very positive "I'm gonna keep trying my hardest!!" which gave us all a little relief ☆ I want to really treasure the time I have left to spend with Kusumi-san... as well as during this concert tour (>▽<*)

Well, we still have until December to go and I hope to keep in mind these fresh feelings from opening day all the way through
For those people who are planning to come see us, please look forward to it (^з^)-☆♪♪

This picture was taken downtown in front of the
Morning Musume ad truck for this fall tour
If you guys see this truck around, please take pics of it (^∇^)

aika blog

Well then let’s see… just the other day I was walking around Odaiba in the Tokyo Big Sight area ☆★
When I was there, I saw a lot of airplanes ♪♪
It was windy too, it felt pretty good (^^)/
Sometimes walking long distances can be good too!!!!!!

aika blog aika blog

For next week’s concert, I’ll be pretty active again ~~ (*^^*)☆

Risa Deco "Episode 2"

This time for Risa☆Deco… tada!!

gaki blog

The very essential compact mirror ー(o^∀^o)ノ
so then.. what kind of design should I make…(>д<)!!
I’m thinking right now!!
By the way, I have that special space reserved in my room for Risa☆Deco remember?
But even then, preparation and setup still takes a lot of time (^ ^:)
But I’m gonna give it my best to make this

Wait for it yaーーーーーーーーーー

Aika blog "8Days"

How are you guys? (^o^)/☆

Just the other day we recorded Tokyo Friend Park ☆
It was my first Tokyo Friend Park!!!!!!! It was fun (^^)v♪
Tanaka-san really put a lot of effort into it (*^^*)☆☆
Thank you very much ♪♪ All of the members really appreciate it (*^o^)/ (^-^*)★

aika blog

Well, the tour is about to start (>_<)!!!! I'm pretty nervous (i_i)€(^_^) Well, although right now I've calmed down a little about it ☆ At the handshake session, everyone kept asking "What's the concert gonna be like?" Unfortunately I could only tell them "It's a secret (^^)" (^_^;) With this fall concert.. there are a couple songs we're gonna sing that people haven't heard yet... ☆ Be sure to listen (^∇^)/ The costumes are also very cute so pay attention to that!!!! Morning Musume Concert Tour 2009 Fall ~Nine Smiles~ Even though its a concert, I hope people will be healed by it ♪♪ Please look forward to it~~ (^∀^)☆

aika blog