Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time

Happy whiteday☆ Fukumura Mizuki

2016-03-14 23:05:02
Theme:Fukumura Mizuki


Konban po(*´∀`*)ノnEmoji


Yesterday I was attacked by sleepiness☆ I was in Fukumura Mizuki Fukumura Mizuki conditionー!Emoji


Just those who noticed it laugh pleasーeEmojiEmoji
[tl note: Yesterday’s blog title has since been modified to remove the duplication]


Today is White Day huhEmojiEmoji


All you guysー
Did you properly respondーEmoji


All your girls did you get good responses~EmojiEmoji


I saw my little bro-chan prepared lots of beloved paper bag return gifts…


Hey hey what’s this hereー? I schemed proudly!Emoji
「I’m not giving any to Mizuki!!!」


…Ha?Ha?Haaa? Thinking that


For this year there wasn’t that much, he wasn’t handing any over to meーEmojiEmojiEmoji


The picture is the choco that Mama gave Papa for ValentinesEmoji


Papa loves white chocolateEmoji


And, today it’s also Marshmallow day I heard!


ヽ(*’∀’)ノ Today was rehearsalsーEmoji









(Ameblo Original URL)

Maintenance day

2016-03-14 17:13:10




At the W-san that’s in Omotesandou…おーっ!アップアップ





I got lash-ext & eyebrow arrangementおねがいドキドキ





Because for Yona my eyes are big you knowwwお願いドキドキドキドキ




This time I’ve gotten them made quiーte





All the staff are always warmラブラブ




Really thank you so much always照れドキドキドキドキ












(Ameblo Original URL)

2nd Day☆ Fukumura Mizuki Fukumura Mizuki

2016-03-13 22:58:23
Theme:Fukumura Mizuki


Konban po(*´∀`*)ノnEmoji


Morning Musume。’16 Concert Tour Spring ~EMOTION IN MOTION~


Hajiouji performances 2nd Day!!!


With a different pattern of songs too… it was DokiDoki heart-pounding or rather……… DokiDokiDokiDokin! That’s how it feltEmojiEmoji


Depending on the song the emotion changes and the movement comes together with everyone in the venue, it’s fun, a pure concert huhラブラブ, that’s how it felt


The 2 days of full power dashing!!!
Now the sleepiness~~~EmojiEmoji


After we finished, in the dressing room, getting to say, 「Job Well Done Huh!」, 「Everyone Good Job~!」 with a smile is the best isn’t it?Emoji


It’s doneー!
From next week too let’s do our best kay! I once again put my spirit to it!


For next week, there’s HinaFes and the SATOYAMA event~Emoji




The ice cream was yummy~EmojiEmoji
Mizuki went with, 「Haーchin’s Avocado Milk」Emoji



The 2nd day was fun~ドキドキ
Thank you so much(*´Д`*)ノ))


Ah!! Mizuki, LOVES cats tooEmojiEmoji




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Maturity Iikubo Haruna

2016-03-13 22:29:40
Theme:Iikubo Haruna







The concerts in Hachiouji, in total 4 performances, are finished~!!!



Eh! 4 performances!?



Opening up the first day already 4 performances are over, so fast somehow huh ((((;゚Д゚)))))))




All the fan’s cheers were very loud…!!



At the same temperature steadily getting fired up severely came aroundおねがい!!



A sense of unity!


Not just with the members, the sense of unity with the whole venue was amazing, I also couldn’t help but have fun from the start照れキラキラ



Hachiouji, it was the best!!



At the MC corner, we did a thing called Hachiouji Quiz and, I thought about wall kinds of questions tooニヤリ


Since I like Takaosan, and since I like silkworms, I tried looking it up on the internet.


That kind of work was funルンルン



It’s hard work so a question for everyone too!




Famous people from Hachiouji, please try giving me 5 namesウインク






For this spring tour, it’ll be the last tour of Morning Musume。 where I’m the only one in their 20s!


I’m studying maturish, me-ish, presentation more and more (*^^*)!!





『Mature』 huhー…




Like trying to cross my legs??









How is it huh, the 10ki older sister group?ニヤリ




During the concert there aren’t any scenes where I sit with legs crossed though! lol



I’ll do my best to raise the barキラキラ


Please watch (*^^*)!






Ah, but for the tour goods this time, all of it’s being done in a mature wayニコニコ







Evーーーeryone is cool!



With Maria, during a song there’s lots of parts where we’re in a lot too so I feel like I need to show my stylishnessウインク流れ星




It’s a highlight filled tour, by all means please come visit kay~(*^o^*)ラブラブラブラブ







Fashion Coordinate App


キラキラWEAR キラキラ












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