Tons and tons


This morning I took tons of natural pics (^_-)


Right now Sayumi is♪~θ(^0^ )




I have tons to do!
I’ll do my best~♪




The candy in my view


This morning,
while riding my taxi,


the taxi driver said,
『Help yourself to the candy』


and at that exact moment in time,
Sayumi was licking the candy…(>Σ<)
I was so drawn to the candy and,
it was already too late and I was licking,
and if the driver saw it,
it would have been impolite of me but,
he didn’t see me
since I was frantically trying to
wipe the drool off (lol)


I said,
『Ah thank you! I’ll have some later。』
while I was staring at the many flavors,
I took a mikan flavored one。


And then,
『Crap! My favorite grape-flavored one is right there!』


but then my driver said
『That one okay? Well, let’s go then』
then he took the box away (・_・;)


I should have chosen better…。
That grape-flavored one
is really good but
I haven’t seen it sold a lot。


So I really want a lot。
Where did that driver buy them? (¬з¬)


The next time I see that driver,
I’ll tell I have only one destination
『Whatever store that sells those
grape-flavored candies please』






Make up♪


My face is perfect♪


Yosh, I’m super cute today as well(≧∇≦)


Oh。That ↑ there
is my tentative phrase I’ll be using,
so don’t get so mad please m(__)m


Right now, Sayumi is worrying
about her hair (=゜-゜)(=。_。)


If I tie it up with a band
and pull it straight
it will roll so I thought
I might cut my bangs again…


Eh? You’re cutting them again?
You just cut them yesterday!


is what you were thinking☆


Right. You are correct!
Yesterday, Sayumi had just
cut her bangs(^O^)


But, at yesterday’s concert
a staff member said to me
『Your bangs are pretty wild』
and then Sayumi crumbled yep (;∇;)/~~


But Sayumi is glad that
they’re looking better。


But there’s no time for
that Sayumi-chan ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


It’s time to leave ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


See ya later ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛






Good morning!!


Today is Miss Early-riser☆★☆★


Right now I’m at my house being
coated coated coated with make-up! (lol)


Not true。


My wish is, to go nat-nat-natural!


20-year old Michishige Sayumi will


do her be-be-best♪。






To everyone


Everyone, yesterday was
Morning Musume’s Spring concert tour 2010~Pikappika~
first day。


It was sooo much funO(≧∇≦)o


When Sayumi was doing the concert,
and saw so many people there,
Sayumi wanted to convey
her thanks
to each and every one of them!


Then I got to do it。
I was beyond happy(;_;)


Right now I’m reading
everyone’s comments。
Everyone…to each of you,
from the bottom of my heart,
thank you so much。


The fact that I can do these concerts,


and the fact that I can blog,


they’re something I can’t lose。
I just wanted to express my gratitude。


Since I strated the blog
it’s becoming a daily thing
for me to do it♪
You’d think it would
be obvious to do so but
it’s not。


It’s becuase of
the cooperation of a lot
of people, and to the
people who follow it,
that’s why Sayumi can blog。


If I don’t say thank you…


Sayumi’s life is the happiest
when she meets everyone(*^o^*)
Meeting people at the concerts。
And meeting people here on this blog。
And meeting people anywhere。


Everyone has my thanks。


From the extremely cute Michishige Sayumi♪。



I don't know why


Oh! Right!
So before today’s performance
I was way too nervous,
and everyone was
acting kinda strange (lol)


Out of all of us
the one who is
normally acting
strange is Kamei Eri,
but today was
more than normal (lol)


Immediately before the
performance, she was
like 『Waa-』 to the fans,
but why was she
butting heads with me?…


I’m not sure why。


During the performance too,
she would make eye contact
with the other members
and be like all smiley
and have a
“Do your best!”
kind of face,
but to me Kamei Eri
would have this weird face
and give me a eerie kind
of smile。


I’m not sure why。


Then after the performance…


Eri went to this
post-recording thing
for Jewel Pet,
and she was going to bring
this other girl with her,
so during the introductions


from start to finish
she kinda had this
playful smile。
And sometimes
she’d move kinda


Sayumi cautioned her
『Eri you’re being
too frivolous』,
but her whole face
was one huge smile。


I don’t know why。


I don’t know why。


I don’t know why。


That’s Kamei Eri。


Sayumi’s much-loved Kamei Eri。


Angel vs. Devil


As soon as I get home,
I seem to get this disease
where I have to eat sweets
no matter what(>_<)


This disease is pretty severe。。 (;_;)


It comes periodically,
then when I think it’s
not as bad,
it returns。


When you have this
sweets-eating disease,
the number one cure is


But don’t eat it at night, Sayumi-chan!
says my shoulder angel。


If you want to eat it, you should Sayumi-chan!
says my shoulder devil。


In the end, I supported my
shoulder devil,
and ate the chocolate(≧∇≦)
At that time, I felt so much happiness♪


But after I finished,
I think about what my
shoulder angel said,
but it can’t be helped(>_<)


Shoulder angel, I’m sorry
I betrayed you↓


“Starting tomorrow,
I’ll definitely stop♪”


How many times have I promised my angel?…


When shoulder devil starts up,
I’ll remember my intentions
and do my best!


Even if the chocolate
is absolutely deliciousヽ(´▽`)/
*In heaven~* (*´∀`*)



Next to me


A two-shot with Kamei Eri
in the seat next to me ♪(^_^)v


Whenever we’re in a
dressing room, Eri is
always in the seat
next to me♪


If Eri’s not next to me,
I can’t settle down (;_;)


Maybe Eri feels the same (lol)


If I’m wrong, then Sayumi can’t
break her one-sided love彡 (-_-;)彡


If that’s the case,
then everyone should
be my friend (^_-)


Look after me okay?♪♪♪♪♪♪








First day of the concert is done and,
I was really relaxed♪


And really happy。


At any rate, seeing everybody there
everyone seemed so reassuring,
and the concert got everyone so excited,
but Sayumi, for a good reason
was totally calm(*^o^*)
It was a good feeling♪


So the concert ended without a hitch,
and I took a pic of me at
the moment I was
the most happiest♪


The one behind me in the pic is
Kamei Eri-chan。
And although I said,
『Eri’s in the pic too so just be natural』
she was wiping her face with a tissue(°□°;)


Even though I was just
my regular self,
Sayumi still wishes she
was a little more aware
of her surroundings (lol)


And then, unexpectedly
there’s another figure
in the background,
it’s Tanaka Reina-chan☆


This particular pic
is a hidden shot
of the Rokkies (lol)(^_^)v





The concert’s opening concert outfit♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪


I’m a widdle bunny




When I first saw this outfit
I went crazy!
It’s too cute(^o^)/


I was thinking,
I want to hurry up and wear it!
I want to show it off to everyone!


I was really happy wearing mine,
and the other members’ outfits
are cute too♪
You’ll feel a lot better when
you see them (lol)


Cute isn’t she? Morning Usachan♪