Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time

Jaga Pokkuru

2014-04-13 11:06:51




Good Morningドキドキ




Info from yesterday’s Hokkaido



meala for Sayumi[みんな:01][みんな:02][みんな:03]



There’s no interest in this huh? lol



But, I’m putting it uーーーp!!!!






We got lots of curry as provisions!!!!


They were yummy[みんな:05][みんな:06][みんな:07]



Thank you so much for the provisionsキラキラ



Dinner is…



Sushiーーー( *´艸`)割り箸


This was yumーーーmy too[みんな:08]



After that,


I said to Big sis-chan


“Today, it’s Hokkaidoー”


Saying that, she went,


“I want to eat Jaga Pokkuru~”


her saying that,


“If I can buy some I toーーーtally will and bring it home kay,”


I made a promise!!!



On the way home, arriving at Hokkaido airport…



We were GiriGiri cutting it really close in time but,


I got to buy some~[みんな:09][みんな:10][みんな:11]


The stores were mostly closed so, when I was about giving up


I found a place that was open


I was really excited about it~アップアップアップ



Sis-chan was overjoyed too, I’m glad[みんな:12][みんな:13]



Today, in Shibuya☆


We’re doing a snapshot and handshake event[みんな:14][みんな:15][みんな:16]photo:04


Let’s enjoy the dayー[みんな:17]



(Ameblo Original URL)

Everyone, Thank You ๛ก(ー̀ωー́ก)

2014-04-13 09:02:22




Quite a lot of people, allーkinds have seen the Kamattechan MVー!!
are listening to it every day~ and
I’ve gotten, picture like this (*´艸`*)









Thank you (o´罒`o)nihihi








☆Gakisan is there a TV show you like?(*’▽’)



Honma Dekka TV




☆For me, Tshirts are always in.
Being an old man likethat, of course that’s being DasaDasa unkempt huh?


If it’s recently in is the fashion



Well, look at magazines, and try asking shop workers?


☆Riーko you okay? Is it okay if I call you 「Riーko」 like Shirotama-Senseー?(*^▽^*)








☆I’m thinking I want to send you a present but, what would make you happy?
I’m thinking maybe something Disney but, Gakisan seems to be pretty well off so, I’m not sure.




Whatever it is, it’ll make me happyー(^.^)



☆And the type of men you like isss~~


A person who I can treasure our time together.
A person with love.


☆I’m turning 20 next year but,
I’m still short, and my face is childish so
I tend to still seem like a child(:_;)


If you have any trick with make-up to look more mature or anything, by all means please tell us (*^o^*)



I also want to know about thattttEmojiEmojiEmoji


But, if you use shadow that’s brownish, you might look a little more mature (^.^)


☆Gakisan do you like spicy food,? Do you know about death sauce?



Too much spiciness I’m not good with~



☆Are you dieting?
Looking at Gakisan cheers me up ♥︎ even though I’m a young 29 year old mother (^^;;



Ara, thank you so much.
Diet is an extreme I’m not doing (^.^)
I’m always being careful
so I don’t let stress build up, and can eat the things I like*(^o^)/*


☆Lately, I feel like there’s a lot of people who look younger than their age but, for Gakisan, are you good at guessing a person’s actual age?



Not aaat all heh
I’m the type that never hits the mark



☆Gakisan good evening!
My question is, what food would you recommend from Disney?


Glove shaped chicken pao♡



(Ameblo Original URL)

Gravesite Cleaning

2014-04-12 21:27:49



We were cleaning the gravesite Baba-chan is in.






We made the gravesite clean


I wonder if Baba-chan would be delighted ( *˙-˙* )





☆Gakisan what’s a movie you like?



Truman Show




☆Strawberry! Mikan! Grapes! Which do you like most??






☆Gakisan what has impressed you lately?



When I’m feeling kinda down, my friends go, “I’m coming now!” and fly to action…


I felt like I need to really treasure my friends.



☆Gakisan when you go to Disneyland and sea what is the last attraction you’d ride?



I wonderー!
At sea, it’d be Tower of Terror and stuff
At land, Big Thunder Mountain and stuff like that I think *(^o^)/*



☆Please tell us your Oshimen in each Hello!Pro Group!






☆First off,
if you were on
a 1 day date with Namata?
What kind of stuff would you plan?



Mmー. Going to a cafe I think


☆Recently my work’s organization and members have changed too, it’s really hard
Gakisan do you have a way to get out your stress? Advice please


On a day off go eat with someone you love, let out a “Paーー” loudly! Disney and Disney and Disney ( ̄▽ ̄)


☆Lately of the Hello!Project songs
please tell us what songs are on your mind!



Morning Musume。 songs are of course on my miーnd ๛ก(ー̀ωー́ก)



☆It’s a food question!
・Udon type? Soba type?




☆Pan and rice, which do you like?
〈Incidentally, I’m a Gakisan type!!〉


Thanks heh
I’m a rice type!



(Ameblo Original URL)


2014-04-12 21:04:33


Good Eveningーーーー!




Today was!



[tl: Biggie-do]


we did concerts there[みんな:01][みんな:02][みんな:03]



It was reaaーーーlly fun[みんな:04][みんな:05][みんな:06]



Everyone at the hall,
did you our power reach you maybe?…ドキドキ



I’m really getting power from everyone[みんな:11]



Thank you so much[みんな:08][みんな:09][みんな:10]







Hokkaido is



This girls hometown[みんな:12]


Satou Masaki-chan[みんな:13][みんな:14][みんな:15]



For Maーchan, today was Maーchan too[みんな:16]


I feel like it was a very bright fun Satou-like triumphant return live[みんな:17]



We got refreshment snacks from Satou’s family!!!


It was veーーーry yummy[みんな:18]


Thank you so muchビックリマーク



And then, for today’s Hokkaido, it’s also the tour accompanying Hello!Pro Trainee 稲場愛香(Inaba Manaka)-chan’s hometown too[みんな:19][みんな:20]








We got refreshment snacks from Manaka-chan’s family too[みんな:21][みんな:22]


There were Marusei butter sandwiches too, they raised my mood[みんな:23]


It was clearly extraordinary ( *´艸`)ドキドキ



Thank you so much!!!





These two Hokkaido nativesさくらんぼ


Masaki-chan and, Manaka-chan!





These two are both, Maーchansss!!さくらんぼさくらんぼさくらんぼ







With that,
























(Ameblo Original URL)


2014-04-12 14:47:17










I still haven’t gotten the trophy but, I’ve gotten the Ambassador Badgeーーー( ̄▽ ̄)♡




This badge, is a promise not to talk with the high-school principal in my native language, It’s a badge handed over to people the principal recognizes.
Even though if I say a word of Japanese, i’ll be disqualified (;_;)lol
It’s not 100%English that way. (;_;)
Yesterday, in front of all the students they announced it and passed it out so, Eveーーーーryone was watching Aika…heh


It may be true that I got this badge, but it doesn’t mean I’m someone who can speak English (lol)
My English still has a long way to go…lol



I’ll do my best(;^ω^A







I’m happy though♡










(Ameblo Original URL)