Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time




2013-08-25 13:43:05


With Berryz Koubou’s Sugaya Risako-chan[みんな:01]




she calls me that[みんな:03][みんな:04][みんな:05]




Sometiーーーmes![みんな:06]you know[みんな:07]


Risako-chan and I, we talk oftenー[みんな:08]


Is that surprising?


What do you think?



Long ago, we’d often, be together in Hello!Pro Concert Shuffles[みんな:09]



The 2 of us, sang W-san’s 『Robokiss』 and stuff, it was fun ( *´艸`)ラブラブ
Risako-chan, I love youー[みんな:10][みんな:11]


(Ameblo Original URL)




Good Morning!


A close up of Ikuta and,


A close up of Sayumi! lol


Yesterday was the concerts in Fukuoka prefectureー♪



It was really fun ( *´艸`)



The mentaiko was yummyー,


There was leaf mustard too so,


mentaiko leaf mustard rice♪ I put it together and ate it (*´∀`)♪


The best (* ̄∇ ̄*)



And then, I’m happy I got ot buy Toorimon as souveniors!


Sayumi loves it too,,


More than anything Toorimon is!


Big sis-chan’s favorite!!!



In souveniors from all over the country, the yumminess of it is in the best 3!


Praise from the 2 of us (≧∇≦)


And yet souveniors from all over the country aren’t always food lol



Well, up until now, we’ve been in a bunch of souveniors that we’ve eaten♪♪(^o^)/



Well! Today,
we’re appearing on 24hour TV!


Please watchヾ(´∀`´∀`)ノ




2013/8/25 10:43 (GREE)


2013-08-25 09:48:18


Good Morning[みんな:01]



Yesterday was the Hello!Pro Concerts in Fukuoka prefecture[みんな:02]


Everyone who came, in the rain,


Thank you so muchアップ



Fukuoka prefecture is,


Morning Musume。’s Ikuta Erina-chan’s[みんな:03]



We got ice cream snacks from Eripon’s familyソフトクリーム



So muchビックリマークビックリマークビックリマークひらめき電球




For Sayumi, she picked the Black Mont Blancニコニコ


Black Mont Blanc, do you know about it?[みんな:04]



It’s an ice cream sold in the Kyuushuu area[みんな:05]




They were also sold in Sayumi’s hometown Yamaguchi, at convenience stores and stuff,
I often ate them[みんな:06][みんな:07]



So, while feeling nostalgic I took in the yumminess~[みんな:08]



Eripon’s familyラブラブ
Thank you so very much[みんな:09][みんな:10][みんな:11]



Well, Sayumi for this Fukuoka prefecture concert.


She had her hair straightーリボン



In the middle she made it into a ponytail too[みんな:12]


I don’t have a picture of that though…♪[みんな:13]



In Fukuoka prefecture, I got to eat the mentaiko I wanted to tooアップ



and was able to buy souveniors fro my family and myself as wellラブラブ!アップ



What I bought was,


My beloーーーvedキラキラToorimonキラキラ




And this yummy lookingラーメンHakata Nagahama Raーmenラーメン



And this yummy looking[みんな:14]Water youkan[みんな:15]


That’s itドキドキ



I got to eat these croissants from Mikadzuki[みんな:17]



Fukuoka prefecture has lots of yummy things,
These souveniors have me really fulfilled[みんな:16]



Well, today,
we’ll be appearing on 24hour TV[みんな:18]



Please watch kay, I’m counting on youラブラブ





(Ameblo Original URL)

Morning Musume。 Auditions



Not long ago, on the official homepage they had an announcement,



Having started from April, the Morning Musume。12th Generation Member Mirai Shoujo Auditions,
their final results have come out.



This time, 「No one qualified」 was what happened.



Everyone who applied,
truly, thank you so much.



This time, for the Morning Musume。 12th Gen Members, no one was qualified for it but,
Tsunku-san’s words
from what I’ve heard was,
“We’ve come across some talented people who are diamonds in the rough!”


And, it seems like he’s thinking about what will be the next new unit for Hello!Pro!


I’m looking forward to it!


With Tsunku♂-san’s words,
For Morning Musume。 this time 『There was no one positively qualified』 and so,
when we the 12th gen auditions once again comes around,
we’ll be looking forward meeting a girl that positive for the role that it’ll surprise us right now.



When that happens, we’ll be waiting for lots of applications!!!



That said, for Morning Musume。,
For a while, the current 10 members will keep doing our best!!



From here on too, please continue to support us.




We are


The current Morning Musume。.



2013/8/25 01:11 (GREE)

Morning Musume。 Auditions

2013-08-25 01:02:11


Not long ago, on the official homepage they had an announcement,



Having started from April, the Morning Musume。12th Generation Member Mirai Shoujo Auditions,
their final results have come out.



This time, 「No one qualified」 was what happened.



Everyone who applied,
truly, thank you so much.



This time, for the Morning Musume。 12th Gen Members, no one was qualified for it but,
Tsunku-san’s words
from what I’ve heard was,
“We’ve come across some talented people who are diamonds in the rough!”


And, it seems like he’s thinking about what will be the next new unit for Hello!Pro!


I’m looking forward to it!


With Tsunku♂-san’s words,
For Morning Musume。 this time 『There was no one positively qualified』 and so,
when we the 12th gen auditions once again comes around,
we’ll be looking forward meeting a girl that positive for the role that it’ll surprise us right now.



When that happens, we’ll be waiting for lots of applications!!!



That said, for Morning Musume。,
For a while, the current 10 members will keep doing our best!!



From here on too, please continue to support us.




We are


The current Morning Musume。.






(Ameblo Original URL)