Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time


2013-07-28 21:28:17


Good Eveningアップ



Today is, the Summer Hello!Pro Concert音譜


MazeKoーze performance[みんな:01]


It was the opening day~音譜音譜音譜


I was nervous but…..



It was super~ funードキドキドキドキドキドキドキドキ



It was hot huh, the concerts[みんな:17]


Sayumi’s feelings were hot up too…[みんな:18][みんな:19][みんな:20]




…I can’t say the details though…



But, I can’t help but want to say it so, I’ll write[みんな:06]



At the second performance you know.



It had a really very



[みんな:04][みんな:03]Heart Beat Skipping[みんな:02][みんな:05]



moment in it…..[みんな:07]


What could I say?



Even though I was on stage,



E…So cute butー


JitaBata Wiggly[みんな:08][みんな:09][みんな:10][みんな:11]



I so wanted toー[みんな:12][みんな:13][みんな:14]



It was awesome!


It’s been awhiile, it was pretty awesome (lol)



But, I can’t say the details, it’s a little sadPIー[みんな:15]



Well when the day comes I can say it, I’ll talk about it[みんな:16]



Or more so, Sayumi wants to talk about it!!!!



About this thing, I firey want to chat about itドキドキ




These hot hot Osaka concerts for 2 days have safely finished butアップ


for Morning Musume。,


after all is said and done it was still[みんな:23]


the new song showing~\(^o^)/


the first showing[みんな:24]



The 8/28 releasing Morning Musume。 54th Double A Side Singleキラキラ



『Wagamama Ki no Mama Ai no Joke』


『Ai no Gundan』



How was itーはてなマークはてなマークはてなマーク



For Sayumi, they are both songs she loーves[みんな:25]


The outfits for Wagamama Ki no mama Ai no Joke[みんな:26]
↑Passingby, Maーchan[みんな:27]



The choreography for Wagamama Ki no Mama Ai no Joke’s hook, the members do what looks like slapping each other!!


Heads shake! It’s intense (* ̄∇ ̄*)あせる



We’ll do our bestー[みんな:29]



Ai no Gundan’s outfit is,


wearing a beret~[みんな:28]



For Ai no Gundan, Sayumi, really likes the lyricsラブラブ



Everyone, it’s releasing 8/28,
The first single for the reborn Morning Musume。 10 memers[みんな:21][みんな:22]



Please continue to support usラブラブ



Concerts are fun~アップアップアップ





(Ameblo Original URL)




Good Evening!!!
Today was Hello!Project Concert!
SoreZoーre performance☆☆☆
opening dayーーー\(^o^)/



Those who came
thank you so much!



It was really really fun (*´∀`)♪



Concert LOVE



It was the first time we showed Morning Musume。’s new song 『Wagamama Ki no Mama Ai no Joke』!!


Everyone was nervous!



Hoーw was it???!!!!!???



Since we became 10 members
does Reborn Morning Musume。 feel great too?♪




Well, the pitures are〜



The first shot, with Ikuta Erina-chan!
This is from before yesterday’s Genepuro (Run-through rehearsal just like the real performance)!



The second shot, Suzuki Kanon-chan!
She’s my dressing room seat neighbor!!!!
Suzuki’s always organizing the top of her desk, it’s pretty
Her neighboring Sayumi is GuchaGucha messy *sweat



I’m going to follow her example…(lol)




The third shot is, Oda Sakura-chan!



Today’s opening day, for the first show it’s a ponytail
and the secon show I did a side ponytail!



The side ponytail,
I got praised by the dance teacher \(^o^)/






Tomorrow is the MazeKoーze performance☆〜!
I’m looking forward to it!
Prep. Prep…(* ̄∇ ̄*)




Hello!Project Concerts
Everyone please come see kay♪♪♪
2013/7/27 22:56 (GREE)


2013-07-27 22:34:11


The Hello!Project Concert音譜音譜音譜



SoreZoーre performance[みんな:01]



Opening Dayアップ



Finished without a problemードキドキ



Everyone who came, thanks so muchキラキラキラキラキラキラ



For the SoreZoーre performance☆ the opening outfit,
Sayumi, was like this~[みんな:07][みんな:08][みんな:09][みんな:10]





The point is the sunglasses I think目グッド!



For the opening outfit,
everyone, each&eveーry, one has something different, it’s really cute[みんな:03][みんな:04][みんな:05]



I took pictures with the members too so,
I’ll put them up kay[みんな:11]


Suzuki Kanon-chanラブラブ




Oda Sakura-chan桜




Fukumura Mizuki-chan[みんな:12][みんな:13]




The concert was really
really funー[みんな:02]


Intense smiley high marksニコニコニコニコニコニコ合格



Everyone who came, did you have fun tooはてなマークはてなマークはてなマーク



Tomorrow is the openign day for the MazeKoーze performances[みんな:14]





From here it’s prep timeー[みんな:15][みんな:16][みんな:17]



Let’s have fun tomorrow tooー[みんな:18]








(Ameblo Original URL)

When You Say Summer?

2013-07-27 14:12:18


Good Afternoon[みんな:01]




Today is the Summer Hello!Project Concert opening dayアップ音譜


When the Hello!Project Summer Concerts start,


Mmhmm, Summer this year has come in full huhビックリマーク that’s how it feels[みんな:02]



And when you say summer???



Everyone, what comes to your mind?







Mosquito coils?


The ocean?




The dazzling sun?


Everyone, did you notice!?[みんな:03]




at that point,








ended up being [みんな:05]shiritori[みんな:04] (lol)
(tl note: This would be too hard to translate up there so I’ll put the chain here)
(tl: Nani wo Omoiukabema[su]?->[Su]i[ka]->[ka]->[Ka]tori Senko[u]->[U][mi]->[Mi]zu[gi]->[Gi]raGira Taiyou



It’s shiritori starting from the 『Su』 in Nani wo Omoiukabemasu? (lol)



Well, there’s no particular significance thoughーシラー



For the shiritori it didn’t come up but you know,
of course when you say summer, it’s fireworks打ち上げ花火 and, festivals音譜 and stuff right!


Grand fireworks shows and festivals[みんな:16]


And if you finally go,


I want to wear one you know[みんな:07][みんな:08][みんな:09]



Pictures from the Up To Boy shoot
in a yukata,
I still have some I’ll put up音譜


These pictures,


Manager-san and


the make-up artist


had taken pictures for me[みんな:10]












I still have pictures I can put up like this too (lol)



Just how many have we taken~[みんな:11][みんな:12][みんな:13]









Have I put up too muchはてなマーク[みんな:15]


I still have moreー(lol)





I ended up putting up a lotニコニコ


But, I still have more (lol)
For now I should stopニコニコ



With that, it’s opening dayキラキラ


Let’s have funラブラブ!



(Ameblo Original URL)

Look Forward To It



Good Evening!!!☆



Tomorrow is〜!!


The yearly custom!!


Summer Hello!Project Concert’sopening day, that it is( *´艸`)♪



are you reaーdyー???♪



Let’s go fired up this summer tooー\(^o^)/



We almost always with the Hello!Project Concerts, do concerts in just the three major cities but…



This time, Hello!Project Concert is!!



going all over the country(*≧▽≦)



Fukuoka and,


for the first time for a HelloProject Concert





Well, it’s a lot of things, UkiUki exciting((*’д’*)☆


For Morning Musume。, it’s the 8/28 releasing new songs’


first showing too!!!!



I’ll do my best\(^o^)/



Everyone, Morning Musume。’s new songs,
『Wagamama Ki no Mama Ai no Joke (tl: The Occasional Selfish Feeling, Love’s Joke)』
『Ai no Gundan (tl: Love’s Army)』
Look forward to these songs too kay



Well then!
With tomorrow’s opening day, Let’s have fuーn!



The event where you can see Haloli-chan,
The hand-over event for the Cozy Corner collabo cake, everyone’s gonna come rightー?


2013/7/26 22:51 (GREE)