Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time

Event ☆

The first event is over ♪


Being under fluorescent lights… is quite energizing (≧∇≦)


Normally, we are completely basked by the lights above a stage
So talking in a normal everyday type location like this
creates a warm, friendly atmosphere that’s really fun \(^ー^)/


We were able to talk with everyone there (^O^)


I’m looking forward to the second event too ♪


Mom, dad I’m off* (lol)
*she uses a really out-of-date saying


Food ☆

Right now I’m doing an event in the H!P Ueno shop (^_^)v♪♪


I’m with Mitsui Aika-chan


Aika-chan is eating a croissant ↑


I have seriously been eating too much chocolate


It’s kinda a gross feeling now ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


Ah well, I did also eat non-sweet things, like my bentou ~(≧∇≦)


Although, with my bentou and the chocolate and the cookie
and other things…
eating so much, what if I get a stomach ache during the event
what would I do…


I’m kinda worried now (;_;)


Please come to the event everyone!
But if I happen to start squirming around
and I give the hand signal that I need to go to the bathroom
well um…


As a lady I’m not supposed to say anything,
so all of you need to tell me to just go ahead ok? o(`▽´)o


Let’s have a fun event (≧∇≦)

Konya mo usa-chan peace ♪

I’m recording my radio show right now ☆
CBC’s “Konya mo usa-chan peace”
is the name of the show that I do by myself ♪~θ(^0^ )


It’s amazing I’m getting so many mails to the radio show
giving me feedback and praise about my blog (≧∇≦)


You guys are really something ↑


It’s remarkable ↑


Pretty slick you guys ↑↑↑↑


Ever since I started my blog, I’ve gotten so many emails from
new fans, I’m so happy (*^o^*)




makes me so happy O(≧∇≦)o♪

It's over PON!

Omoikkiri PON!


Is over ☆


When the three of us were supposed to do a “PON!” pose
this pose here immediately came to mind (^_^;)


I suppose it is a very idol-ish pose after all ♪
Today is an all-out idol day I guess (≧∇≦)


Next up today for me, I’ll be doing a radio show ♪♪


Lately I’ve been only using my blogging fingers,
and haven’t really talked much
I’m a little worried about being able to speak properly ( ̄○ ̄;)


Since I’ve started my blog


this week has gone by so fast ☆♪★♪☆


I was a skilled speaker before, but now I’m also a skilled typer ↑


PON right now!

Since this morning


I have been eating cheese cake
and baumkuchen rusk that Eri brought ♪


Both were reaaally delicious…
but when I think about it, I’ve been eating nothing but sweets (>_<)


Since I’ve been eating so many sweets today,
the color representation of my body is a cute pink ♪


Pure idol (≧∇≦)


But actually I was shooting for green,
so I drank a lot of veggie juices o(^-^)o


But I guess that would make me end up in a brown-ish color…


Kinda different from the idol image I have in my mind…


Right now it’s 10:25~


I’ll be appearing on Omoikkiri PON! the show!