Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time

At lunch…

I spent the entire morning matching my clothes ☆


I tried on a ton of clothes ☆


I think I probably changed my clothes today…
the same amount you guys do in 2 weeks ♪


Right now, I’m having lunch with my manager and
my favorite, always helpful stylist ♪~θ(^0^ )


Seafood curry rice ☆
I’m soo full (⌒~⌒)♪
The squid was squidtastic (lol)


Also, even though I was full, I had some cheesecake too ☆


I really ate a lot


Right now I’m on the move again!
I’m in a tunnel at this very moment


Ah, just exited the tunnel!


Sorry there isn’t much to this blog post


Probably because I…
Ate too much squid that it made my squidy


Everyone, maybe this’ll be the perfect squid
for those of you who are just starting to squid me


Well, it’s all squid ♪
* Let me know if you think the squid jokes are unclear



Good morning ♪


Since this morning..
well more like since it is morning?


It’s suuuuuuuuper cold {{(>_<;)}} In Tokyo ☆


The weather forecast had the snow symbol!!!


And the lowest temperature showed 1 degrees!!!




I’m pretty sure that water starts to freeze over at 0 degrees though?


Unless my elementary school teacher was mistaken, that’s what I learned…


But some how, at 1 degrees there will be snow!


Weird, how does that work (?_?)


Well first of all, did I fail to understand
the science of it when I was in elementary school!?


Understand science.
Understand science..


…and now I shall end with a pun…


It’s cold again in Tokyo today!


And it seems like I’m just as lame too 彡(-_-;)彡
* Cold temperature and lame joke are the same word


Love to use it ♪

Today, after my bath, I made sure to thoroughly dry my hair


Because I’m gonna pass out right away *thud clonk* (lol)


I may not know what thud clonk means but I love using it ♪♪


The roots of the word may be very deep,
but in general, it’s just a nuance isn’t it (^O^)


I’m not trying to make light of the word but
I’ve seem to gotten a hang of using it pretty easily
So maybe I do understand it (^∀^)ノ


I’ve got an early start tomorrow and a long day,
but I also have some interesting work to do ♪


As someone who can use the Japanese nuances,
tomorrow, I’ll be breaking even more of the language barriers!!!!


I am very happy and excited about tomorrow’s work ♪♪


So to prepare for that, I’m gonna go to bed early tonight ♪~θ(^0^ )


Bye byeeee ヾ(*’-‘*)


Monthly salary
Thud Clonk ー(-.-)zzZ
*She was trying to make a joke, but I think she messed up one of the words lol


Double knots

And now here is my relaxed hair style ☆
Double knots… V(^-^)V


Before I joined Morning Musume, I wore double knots every day


Although I still continue to wear it often,
even after joining Morning Musume


Even after turning 20, you can’t keep me away from double knots (≧∇≦)


In another version of this style,
you can place the knots high up
and that is called Usa-chan hair ♪


So in the end I guess I ended up with the double knot style…
What a Sayumi-ish feeling!


And now Sayumi’s Kimagure hair arrangement show ☆★


Will come to an end here today ☆


Oh man, I’m out of time! ”(ノ><)ノ There is a shop event with Takahashi Ai-chan and Tanaka Reina-chan! In the Shibuya shop!!


Actually, I’m in a hurry!
Because I’m supposed to…



not be there.
I just have regular work..
But I always will give it 100% effort ↑


I’ll be sure to do my best in a cute way (≧∇≦)


For those of you that are annoyed right now ☆


Don’t worry, that’s normal today too (lol)


A good woman!?

Next up is, pulled back in 1 tail ☆


Tied low!


When I’m at home, I often use this hairstyle
But when I go out, I never ever use this
So this may be new to you!?


I sometimes also tie it up higher too (^O^)
But when it’s low like this, with only 1 tail, it’s kinda office-lady style isn’t it ☆


Kinda like a capable woman, a good woman (≧∇≦)


It might be hard to see from this front view,
so here is a side view too ♪


That was pretty thoughtful of me wasn’t it ♪♪♪♪♪♪


See, I’m not just about the hair, I am a woman with substance
I’m a good woman aren’t I (lol)


The more you know about me, the better woman you’ll think I am (lol)


So please learn much more about me