Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time

Question ♪

I had these cakes for breakfast ☆♪


There were 10 of them ♪


Which one did I pick?!













Thank you (;_;)

Thank you guys ♪


Yesterday (rather just a little while ago), I apologize for the apathetic blog posts m(_ _)m


It was quite late last night, and I had a lot on my mind


But when I mean a lot, don’t worry, it wasn’t anything bad! (b^ー°)☆


Anyway, reading all of your comments really cheered me on!


Stuff like thanks for working so late
or keep yourself healthy, etc


You guys stayed up so late too (;_;)


There were so many warm comments… really, thank you so much


Blogging is so fun~ (≧∇≦)


is what I was thinking, because blogging like this…
getting power and support from everyone (;_;)


is not something I could carry on by myself,
it’s something I want to do with all of us together…


Seems like I’m gonna be super addicted to blogging (*^o^*)


No! Not “seems like”
I already am completely ♪


I said I’ve fallen in love with blogging before,
but more than that, I’ve fallen in love with the kindness you have all shown me m(_ _)m


I’m so happy to have such strong support o(^-^)o


The title may say “Michishige Sayumi’s blog”, but it really is “our blog” ☆♪


Good work ☆

I’m done (≧∇≦)


It’s late in the evening, but still was a lot of fun ♪♪


I still haven’t shown you my outfit (>_<) but here is a close-up...


I was really really nervous
but I had a blast (^∀^)ノ


Oyasayumin ♪☆


With my sis ♪☆

Since I had work at night today ♪♪♪


I went to have dinner with my sis ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


I’ve been wanting to eat hotpot since yesterday (o^∀^o)
What’s more, in Tokyo today, the rain was sooo cold
I felt like I needed to have hot pot no matter what…
Without listening to what my sister thought,
I just headed straight into the restaraunt (^∀^)ノ


I love not having to worry about stuff like that,
when everything is “yeah sure, whatevers”,
it makes me think sisters are definitely the best (*^o^*)


Also, my sis is quite the character!!
She’s nuts (lol)


We went for a spicy hot pot ♪
We were just going along with the mood of things,
so we thought we would make it really spicy
but in the end, we made it too spicy and
had to dilute it down with water (=゜-゜)(=。_。)


After that, we went to karaoke ♪


Now… I may suck at singing, but my sister sucks even more than I do (┳◇┳)


When I go karaoking with my sis, we pretty much only sing anime songs
We sang stuff like sailor moon, pretty cure, magical doremi, ponyo, ariel
with all our might ♪♪♪


As for these anime songs, my sister pretty much only sings the chorus
I sing the A/B melodies, so my sister is in charge of making the choruses big


That’s like the best setup there (lol)


Anyway, my sister is suuuper funny ♪


I love herrrrr (≧∇≦)♪♪♪♪♪


Sorry that all my pics are without makeup m(_ _)m




You don’t mind right? (lol)


Well anyways, off to work ♪☆

I just might cry

The post title is the title of Morning Musume’s single
“Onna ga medatte naze ikenai”‘s coupling song.


I reaaaaally realllly love this song ♪
First of all… for the melody
the intro just has a sparkling feeling to it…
It just makes your heart throb \(☆o☆)/


And for the lyrics… the title “I just might cry”
feels like a girl thats on the verge of something heartbreakingly painful


It’s like when you keep thinking of that important someone,
you keep fussing and fussing over it, but you can’t help it
at night, you’re waiting and waiting for that person to come
but in the end, the morning comes (>_<)


Thinking about that someone who has a significant other
constantly waiting, going through sleepless nights
imagining those things is quite painful (>_<)(>_<)


Well I did something similar with my blog actually
I was thinking too much about it
and I couldn’t sleep last night at all (^_^;)


But tonight I should be able to fall fast asleep, I’ll be fine ♪


Despite staying up late last night, I still woke up early (^o^)/
I woke up thinking “I wanna blog!!!!” (^∀^)ノ
I have completely and utterly fallen in love with blogging ♪


Now, having started this blog, I just might cry
Oh man… every time I sing that song, it’ll be full of these emotions
I’ll replace “that person” with “that blog”, and so I’ll sing with my blog in mind ♪


That’s how strong this song is “I just might cry”
Everyone, please please listen to it! (b^ー°)♪


The 2nd pic here is me without any make-up at all (>Σ<)


After this, the make-up artist is gonna make me cute
so in the meanwhile, I’m letting my skin rest (‘o‘)ノ


And so, it’s quite late in the day already
and I need to be heading off to work ε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛


’til I blog again ♪♪