Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time

Finally ↑

I am Morning Musume’s Michishige Sayumi ♪☆


At this point in time, I have been given a blog on Gree.
I am so happy (≧∇≦)


I’ve wanted one since forever!
and ever!
and ever!
even in my past life!!! ☆


In short, I’ve wanted a blog
and my wish was granted ♪♪


I’m sooo happy~


From here on I’ll be expressing my thoughts, my feelings, everyday things that happen to me… a lot more different things and pics too!


And of course I ♪
hope to make this blog enjoyable for all the people reading it
cheers ♪☆

Aika blog "25days"

Helloooo (^○^)☆

aika blog

Here is some Aika therapy, some of C-ute’s Hagiawara Mai goodness (lol) (^^)d♪♪
We dressed up in some fancy attire ☆ for a magazine photoshoot ♪
On this day, there were sooo many H!P members (^-^)v

aika blog

Next up is a pic from the H!P Mobekimasu concert in Nakano Sun Plaza \(^^)/
We kinda have the same hairdo don’t we? (^.^)
Lately we’ve been told we’re just like sisters ♪♪
That makes me happy (*´▽`*)
I hope we can continue to bond even more and more!!!! (^^)

Aika blog "24days"

Heeeey there (^-^)v
Sorry about being behind on the updates (>_<) I've been bustling around quite a bit ...(+_+;) The New Years H!P concerts are over too (;_;) *tear* I'm so sad (;o;) There's so much going on during H!P-wide concerts huh (*^^*)☆ You don't go out as much as normal concerts, but I still had fun ♪ And also it lets us meet with the other fans we don't normally see at MM concerts as well as bond with the other groups I love it (^^)d After this though we split back up into our own groups again and do our own thing (^∀^)>

Oh by the way, during the New Years concerts,
we debuted our Guardians 4 new song “Going On!”♪♪
This time we’re in cute yellow outfits ☆
And another reason why I love it is… (*^^*)♪
I was able to take a 2shot with Mr. Lion,
so please check out the Making Of for our PV (^▽’*)/
What did you think of Aika during the H!P New Years concerts?
You all got healed right? (>_<)☆

aika blog

aika blog

Aika blog "23days"

Helloooo (*^^*)♪

So just the other day ya know… I ate some giant shellfish ☆
It was lunch time so I was checking out a grocery store
to see what would be good to eat
I was craving some seafood so I bought some shellfish and a seafood rice bowl (^-^)v
The shellfish were cooked in butter and soy sauce (*^◇^*)/
They were soooo good ☆★
Eating good food makes you wanna work harder doesn’t it (^∇’)/☆

aika blog

Also, there was another healing event!!!!!!!
A little while ago, my faaaavorite favorite type of dog,
a siberian husky, had puppies (*☆∨☆*)
I was super excited~!!!!!!! ☆☆
And so, I uploaded this ♪
Her sleeping face is sooo cute isn’t it (>_<*)(*>_<) Her paws are still pink too!! Sooooooo cuuuute (*∨▽∨*)☆ I was really thinking hard about whether or not I should take this puppy home (..) Well cuz.. the mom abandoned her (T_T)*tear* So sad (;o;) But... the puppy is at our house now ♪♪ I'll be sure to raise her up properly (^^)d☆

aika blog

Also, this picture was taken quite a while ago,
and since I’ve posted nothing but Izu pics lately
I was thinking I’d post it now (^^)☆
This is a pic from an event we had at the Budokan a little while back!!!!!
It was so nice to talk to everyone so I thought I’d show you this too ♪

aika blog

Aika blog "22days"

aika blog aika blog

Ladies and gentlemen, this brings us to the end of the Izu tour pics (^_^)☆
Thank you for following along!!!!!!
You guys had fun right?!?!
A shot from the last day ☆
Izu’s atmosphere and scenery was so refreshing ♪♪
We surprised everyone with a farewell (^_^)/~~
It’d be nice if we could do another bus tour ♪♪
I think that’d be great (*^^*)
By the way, I never gave a proper
Pastel Color Days New Years greeting huh (–;)
Sorry about that f(^_^;
Happy new years ☆m(__)m☆
Please continue to support
Morning Musume, Mitsui Aika, and Pastel Color Days this year too!!!!

Right now we’re switching up to the Shuffle Date set list,
we’ll do our best at Nakano Sun Plaza ☆★
Please, please come to see us ~\(^^)/