Disclaimer: We translate blogs, we are not affiliated with the idols or their company in any official capacity. Fans translating for fans.

Latest Michishige Sayumi Blog Translation:
2022-04-03 13:39:35 Japan Time
(I skipped from July to the start of November to give everyone something for the Anniversary times!)

Unofficial Rule of Fan Translations.

If there's ever a name that isn't something standardized there is a chance it can be considered wrong due to the nature of kanji, foreign words in Japanese and readings.
We will make notes when we can otherwise, we may correct them on the fly or chose to go with one style for whatever reason.

Last Updated: 2022-04-18 16:14 Hawaii Time

Third Shot!

2022-03-12 12:27:44

everyone was delighted about Sayuland happening
that made me reaaaally happy 😭💗
For always giving me your warm support
really thank you so much!!!💗💗💗
And with that!
Hello!Shop Goods pictures、
The third blog for it starts 爆笑チョコがけハートクッキーのプレゼント
Mask off version 泣き笑い飛び出すハート飛び出すハート飛び出すハート

Lots of Sayumin! lol

The same 💗pose💗

Lots of blank space! lol

Michishige Hitosuji hairband

It’s really one of my favorites 💕

It’s a hair accessory but,

Using it as a hair accessory of course

but you can also have it on your arm ✨

When rolling up a poster? you can hold it

Maybe when you need to wrap up potato chips midway through?😆

Suddenly, a pink checkered mask version くまアイスハートのプレゼント

Acrylic keyholder ねこクッキー花火ふんわりリボン

Thank you for looking 💕

Extended to a third shot, the Hello!Shop Goods blog ends with this one 流れ星

Finally, a video 😆

Air styling?

I tried changing my hairstyle 🐰 lol

[tl note: video here, please see on her blog]

That said…

I took them and soon after compiled them

And at the time it seemed totally fine but…

time passed and looking at it again I got embarrassed you know….😆


It took the effort so うさぎ

I ended up putting it up ラブハートハートハート

Look Forward To Itーーー♡

2022-03-11 17:00:23

A happy happy announcement ふんわりリボンオーナメントハートのバルーンうさぎクッキー
5th series of performances are scheduled〜 びっくりマークびっくりマークびっくりマークハートのバルーン
Yay 本命チョコ爆笑ラブラブ
The title is…
『SAYUMINGLANDOLL〜Mirai〜』 [tl: Future]
That’s it 流れ星キラキラキラキラ
The ventue is, of course ❤️Cotton Club❤️ -san ロゼワイン
The performances are,
2022/5/23 (Mon) 〜 6/1 (Wed) ! 乙女のトキメキ
※ 5/25・5/26 are performance-free days
Not long ago,
M-line club FC priority applications started !!ピンクハート

 The application time is,

SS Seats→3/16 (Wed) until 17:00
SS Box Seats・S Seats・A Seats→ 3/22 (Tue) until 17:00
I’m really really looking forward to it ❤️❤️❤️
I want to see everyone soon ピンクハート
Please give me your support ❣️


MV time self-shots てへぺろリボン

Second Shot!

2022-03-10 08:08:04

Good Morningコーヒー

Hello!Shop Goods Wearing

Second Shot 泣き笑いピンクハートピンクハートピンクハート

I still have a loーーt of pictures!!✨✨うさぎクッキー

Wearing the SayuUsa Cap

wearing the SayuUsa mask in black

Telecoー? Coordinate


I did it 笑ううさぎ笑ラブレター

For sure笑笑笑


The hoodie too, if you go with it has the SayuUsa silhouette,

Then I was able to coordinate 3 SayuUsa Silhouettes yah 😆ラブラブラブラブラブラブ

I tried changing my hairstyle 照れピンクハートガーベラ歩くスター

✨✨Michishige Hitosuji hairband ✨✨

My own goods, I’m the type who uses them on stage and in private proactively but コップジュースふんわりリボンピンクハート

For the mask, when just a little bit of my lip product gets on it,

I kinda get really


that’s just how I end up feeling lol

I can’t open the one I have saved うさぎ笑

When I go out,

It’s best to wear it over an every day mask you know! You end up with less lip products or stains on it 予防

Here it is! The SayuUsa Smartphone Ring 笑ううさぎおすましペガサスぽってりフラワー乙女のトキメキまじかるクラウン

For goods I’m the type to actively use them and

of course I’m using this びっくりマーク爆笑ふんわり風船ハートふんわり風船星ハートのバルーン

Right now it’s like this↑

But, attaching the SayuUsa Smartphone Ring to a totally black smartphone case is totally cute so,

Next time I want to do that ふんわりリボンふんわり風船星オーナメント

Thank you for looking until the end 💗

By the way…

These Hello!Shop Goods blogs…

Continue into a third oneーびっくりマーク爆笑爆笑爆笑


2022-03-09 21:43:41

Today was a photoshoot for Bijin Hyakka-san♡
It was very very fun♡♡♡♡♡

A shot while on standby on the location bus❣️✨

The outfit accessory’s bag

Has 『Sayu』 writing on it ピンクハート


It made me a little happy so I ended up takinga picture ❤️照れ

During my time in Morning Musume。 and stuff, usually for performances

they’d always write this kind of stuff as 『Michishige』 that’s why!

I don’t hate it being written as 『Michishige』 or anything like that


Having it writte as 『Sayu』 made me smily for whatever reason when I was alone ☺️ lol

All the Bijin Hyakka-san staff-san

call me 『Sayuchan』『Sayu』

Being called that makes me happy…❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Nothing But SayuUsa〜

2022-03-09 17:09:05

This has ended up being pictures form some time back but….
I got it from the Hello!Shop Goods so I took pictures wearing itー ピンクハートピンクハートピンクハート笑ううさぎ

I really took a lot of them, pictures!!!🤣

Nothing But SayuUsa笑ううさぎ笑ううさぎ笑ううさぎ

Seeing me like this…

Lots of SayuUsa goods have come out huh ピンクハートラブラブラブラブラブラブラブラブラブラブ

It makes me happy うさぎ

Usachan Peace ニコニコ飛び出すハート飛び出すハート飛び出すハート

These eyes are red…❤️

Like a bunny-chan… 💗

My hairs growing long enough that it’s easy to put into braids, that makes me happy スタースタースター立ち上がる

I want it to grow out fast〜

I want to put my hair into high Usachan hair without extensions for the first time in a while… 💗

The mask from the side looks like this びっくりマーク

I took pictures without the mask tooーガーベラ


This time we’ll go to here!!!

(Because the image limit is coming! lol)

I’ll put up the pictures of me with the black SayuUsa mask another day kay ❤️